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Ryan's P.O.V. ~ A few weeks later ~
" Should we really be doing this Dean, she has only gone to school for a few years, how well is she gonna do in 10th grade?" I hear Sam say, waking me up. " Well it's for her own good, to keep her away from hunting, and finding Cas. It's too dangerous." Dean says while he walks towards the bed. He pokes my side and I try hard not to giggle. " Hey Ry, um, we need to talk." he says while rolling me over. "Getting up takes effortttttttt." I whine. Dean walks over to the other side of the bed and puts his hand on my cheek. " Come on, its important." he says then turns and walks away with Sam. After 5 minutes of laying in bed I got up and walked downstairs into the library. " Okay what? Why am I up at 6:00?" I ask leaning against the doorframe. " Well, you may have already seen but there is a high school, middle school, and some elementary schools down the road so we thought it would be a good idea to enroll you." Sam says kind of quietly. " But it's the middle of the year, won't I look weird?" I ask trying to get out of it as well as I can. " Its fine since we just moved here." Sam says again while walking over to me. " Now go upstairs and get dressed, Dean and I already bought you supplies." He says while putting his hands on my shoulders. I turn and run upstairs. I grab black jeans, a shirt that I made that has an anti possession symbol on the front, my beanie, and my hoodie. I sit on my bed to lace up my boots and I grab my phone and put it in the pocket of my hoodie. I walk downstairs and Sam and Dean are standing their with their hands behind their backs. " what?" I ask sitting on the steps. Dean brings his hands forwards, revealing a black backpack with band pins all over it. " Thank you! I love it." I say taking it and smiling. It had all of the school essentials, it looks like Sam even attempted to make a lunch. Sam handed me a little box. " Sam how much jewelry are you going to buy me!" I say laughing and opening the box. In side was a charm bracelet. A tiny jar of salt with a match in it, an anti possession symbol, a devils trap, and angel wings all hung from it. "Thanks so much guys." I say hugging them. I put on the backpack and we head out to the impala.

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