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Ryan's P.O.V.
What if they don't like me.
They'll think I'm the weird one.
I won't make any friends.
I'm not smart enough.
All the thoughts going through my head were interrupted by the Impala suddenly stopping. I looked up and we were in front of the school. " Go to the office, you can get your schedule there." Sam says turning around. " Good luck Ryan." Dean says also turning around. I hug both of them the best I could, picked up my bag and got out. I could already tell people were looking at me. I looked back and Sam gave me a thumbs up. I turned and started walking to the front of the school. " Hey! You! Wait up!" someone yells from behind me. I turn around quickly and crashed into someone. We both fell backwards onto the ground" Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I say standing up to help the mystery person. The person looks up. " What the hell Gabe, why are you here?" I say holding my hand out to the angel." Well your brothers sent you here but I'm here to have some fun. Also I may know where Cas is." He says the last part quickly. I freeze and grip the butterfly around my neck. " Where, where is he." I say still shocked. " Well I can't tell you yet but after school. I also kinda changed your schedule so we're in all the same classes." He says excitedly. I felt my heart shrink again but I still have hope for Cas.

Gabriel and I go to all of our classes but lunch is different. " Ryan, I need to go until next period, don't do anything stupid." He says hugging me. I take the lunch Sam tried to pack and go to eat outside. Before I sat down against the wall I could already tell there was a group of preps not to far away. They were all trying to squeeze into one picnic table. I open the lunch bag. I laugh while looking at what Sam packed. A cheeseburger, a bottle of water, and Dean may have snuck me a piece of pie." I pull out my phone and text Sam.
Thanks for the......interesting lunch, this is just Deans daily meal minus the water.
I send it and start to eat my lunch. I can tell the preps are looking at me but I don't care. I can see Gabriel walking towards me so I cut the pie in half. " I know angels don't eat but you like sweets." I say handing it to him. He smiles and sits down next to me. We start talking about the teachers and classes when two girls come over and stand in front of us. I look at Gabe and I can see anger starting in his eyes. " Can I help you?" I ask looking up at them. " Well I heard you were new! I'm Megan!" The blonde one says really high pitched and I cringed. " I'm Anna. We came over because- what the heck is on your shirt?" Anna began but stopped. " Uh, it's-" I was cut of by Megan's annoying voice. " Do you worship satan or something?" she asks leaning on her heels. " No far from it what do you want?" I ask while I get a disapproving look from Gabriel. The next thing I know I'm soaking wet. " Oh, it's holy water. We gotta get rid of the demons." Anna says laughing and walking away with Megan. I stand up and run to the bathroom. Gabe calls after me but I keep running.
I run into the bathroom and stop at the end of the sinks. I put my head in my hands. " I knew it was a bad idea to come here." I mumbled to myself. I wipe my eyes and turn around. I hear the door open and someone walks in.

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