The one with all the happiness

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Two weeks.

It was two whole weeks of eternal bliss for Gabriel and Rose. They never left each other's company. Between shoots, she would rush back to the trailer. Her body knew what she craved and she craved for him like an addict. He was her fix and she couldn't get over him.

Rose never believed that numbers could do magic to her as she always hated math. But when her finger pressed the join button on the app, little did she knew that inadvertently, she changed the course of time.

Two souls who liked each other and never had the chance to confess were bought together by binary digits.

Gabriel too, was unable to believe the compatibility they showed. His mind couldn't wrap around the fact that there existed a human, who was the missing piece of the puzzle. He was in heaven with the realization. She was his perfect partner, his soul mate.

Two weeks was all it took for them to come out in the open about their relationship. The world was ecstatic with the news. The nation's bride had finally found her groom in the country's eligible bachelor. But Gabriel had other things in his mind when he went down on his knees after merely two weeks.

He strongly believed that when he'd find the one, he wouldn't delay with false mating rituals. He would make her, his. He was a traditionally orthodox man. Rose was similar in nature as she was elated with the proposal. The world contemplated on the longevity of their relationship, of which both were blissfully unaware. They found what they sought and hardly cared about anything else.

After a whirlwind romance of two weeks, Gabriel announced his retirement from movies and Rose from modelling. They wanted a life away from the cameras and scrutiny. She would join him in his philanthropic expeditions and he would help her with her charities. They would soon become the nation's beloved couple.

Gabriel's last assignment had him leave Rose for a couple of weeks, before his final return to her. He had already given her a spare to his mansion and she had plans for the place. After a lot of tears and kisses and a long night of lovemaking, he left for a shoot and she moved into his apartment.

Her days passed with redecoration and revamping the house to a home. Gabriel rarely lived there, he was always travelling. But with his impending retirement, she decided to make the four walls more homely. At night, they would talk over call. She felt as a high school girl, talking to him under covers and occasionally touching herself when he wanted to feel her.

Week passed slower than normal. There were two more to go. Suddenly, the news of his accident on sets broke out. He was injured in a fire shoot. He liked conducting his own stunts and had been injured on previous occasions too.

But this was different. Every passing minute turned the news gore. She wasn't able to contact anyone. Her last resort was Angel.

He informed of Gabriel's well-being and a fire injury, severe enough for a hand graft but not enough for her to travel. She didn't want to either. Her doctors advised her not to.

The life developing inside of her was to be protected from the harsh world. She prayed for his safely alongwith the one inside of hers. As the news of two becoming three was not something to be stated on calls, she waited for the weeks to pass.

Gabriel's recovery was slow but progressive. He was out of danger and close to healing. The shoots were delayed for him. She was there to support him constantly over calls and videos. He seemed different and she blamed it on the heavy sedation he was put under for pain management. Ignoring the nation blaming her for not being by his side, she was a dotting fiancé to him and a responsible mother to their unborn.

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