Chapter 26: The White crescent moon pack

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OK So I found a drawing I think is kinda how I picture Della and It is so cool, its above. No I didn't draw it, credit goes to the amazing artist that did, afraid I don't know who but credits goes to them :)

Quick recap, for those who have forgotten, don't worry I did too.

Jamie has just seen Adrien (her oldest blood brother) in his lycan form, in an attempt to get to know her brothers better her and Jordan are making an effort together, But in the middle of there bonding time, Jade and Alex gate crash the party bringing with them the very unwanted uncles Dom and Afron.

"Uncles? I have uncles?" My words meet no answer, and with one look to Theo I know he isn't listening. Instead he's attentions on the 'uncles' and he doesn't look happy to see them.

No one does, Dellas slowly shuffling towards me, Dxton is approaching the duo with nothing but hostility, meanwhile  all of the boys look ready to aid in any fight that may arise.

Even Jordan is tense, his hand gripping my forearm. Hissing I yank it away, causing him to snap out of it and mumble an apology, "What the hell is wrong with you people?!" Rubbing my arm I hope it doesn't bruise. I have enough growing over my body as it is.


I look up too him to find that he has zoned back out, growing annoyed I hiss "Jordan?!" He pushes me slightly, and mumbles 'not now'

"Can someone please explain to me what the hell is happening?" I ask, bringing Jericho closer to me.

I'm about to fight Jordan on answers, when Theo grabs a hold of my hand, and pulls me away slightly, "The uncle to your left is Afron. He's mums half brother, and he isn't the most......mentally stable"

Is he a rogue? Della and Jordan have said rogues arent mentally stable.

"Dom" Dxton nods, despite the welcoming tone, the look in his eyes says he isn't happy to see him. Hes eyes cast over the the man next to Dom, "Afron" Afron cast his eyes away the smallest of nods. Hes eyes then catch onto mine briefly, Dxton steps inline to block his line of sight.

"Do not look at my Daughter Afron" Hes eyes shift away slowly.

"You havent been attending any of your mandatory therapy sessions" Della speaks up, her tone firm but soft.

He doesn't answer her, his glaze on the ground.

"We had a deal Afron, attend the sessions and you'll be granted your rights to move about the pack freely, but you have missed your last four, and last I heard you haven't been taking any of the medications youve been prescribed"

"They make me feel sick"

"You wouldnt have to take them if you would make it easier to trust you, but you have failed time and time again, you either take the medicine or you sit in a cell" Della turns her back slightly, "Until then stay away from my family, I dont want a repeat of last time you lost your shit"

Dellas glaze lands on my own, her hand reaches for mine softly, leading us away. We are silent for a few seconds until Della breaks it softly rubbing my hand.

"Those are your uncles, Beta Dominic and his mate, Afron. My half brother" Della says softly pulling me away from the scene. Jericho following suit. Sitting on the couch that over looks the backyard where everyone remained talking. Della tells me the story of Afron.

"Afron was raised to hate me and everything to do with our kind. He grew up to become a killer, a maniac. His father was the most dangerous man to live, he raped my mother in an effort to produce an army offspring, dangerous and deadly enough to rule the world. But he only got Afron. So long after his father had perised he fullfilled his destinyt and attacked me. I was going to kill him, but he turned out to be Doms mate. Weve been trying to find a way for him to coexsit as a normal wolf. but he is very difficult.

We thought he was doing well, but a few years ago he attacked Adrien when he was only a child" Della softly pushes some hair behind my ear, "He ripped his lycans tail off, he had only just shifted for the first time a week pior"

I look outside to see Adrien and sure enough, he has no tail. My heart sinks. I couldn't imagine Jericho not having a tail; it's his most clear form of expressing his emotions. On cue he nudges my knee with his slobbery nose. Scratching his ear I look back to Della.

"He did it on purpose in hopes that Dxton or I would kill him. But Dom won in the end and Afron was placed under careful watch with 24/7 guard watch. He has gotten better, but he needs medicine to dull his lycan down until we can't trust him not to hurt anyone again"

Della looks outside to the chaos that is Dxton, hes Lycan on the verge of escape, she sighs seeing her mate, "Its a risk to allow him to roam freely, and we didn't want him so close to you. Not when we aren't 100% sure he won't kill you"

"But at the end of the day he is your uncle, it's your choice how you deal with him and what relationship you have with him. We will just be here to intervene if anything was to happen, but please for now just until he is back on his medication stay here" She grabs my cheek softly, "Please we don't want to see you hurt or worse, you are our daughter Jaime and we love you"

Shes just wants us safe

I know I whisper back to my lycan. I know.

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