Chapter 15: Sanctuary at Redstone

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I couldn't count how many wolves were chasing after us, everything was happening to quickly and Jordan was moving at an incredible speed.I  counted 5 but I don't know if I was just recounting the same wolves. 

Clutching onto Jordans fur, I pull myself closer to him. Slightly in fear of falling off his back and becoming wolf food. 

If the wolves are following us, then are my parents close?.....No they aren't my parents.

"Jordan? They are getting closer to us!" On cue, one of them barrels into Jordan, knocking me off, Tumbling to the ground, Jordan stands protectively in front of me while growling at the others.

One swipes at him but he snaps back. I go to help him, but he pushes me back with his head and motions to the forest ahead of us.

"I can't leave you-" He pushes me again.

I run, run as fast as I can, I want to help Jordan, but he can protect him self and I need to get to safety so that he doesn't worry about me. He needs to focus on him, not me. Grabbing onto a tree branch I pull myself up onto it, I scale the tree, but don't get very far. A hand has grabbed my foot and pulled me forcefully down, causing the branch I'm holding onto to break and I fall.

Unlucky for the man who grabbed me, as I had fallen I had taken him with me. Resulting in me landing on top of him. Despite the pain I feel I try to get up, My ass hurts and my arm throbs from the landing. I need to keep moving.

I want to scream for Jordan or Noah, anyone, but I need to protect myself, Jordan is busy fighting his own battles, he can't worry about me. 

Grabbing the branch that snapped, I run. I'm terrified, my heart beats loudly, my head is pounding, but I need to move. I can hear them, the wolves approaching.

Turning around quickly I swipe at the nearest wolf, catching it by surprise, it falters. But in a blink of an eye the wolf snatches onto the branch I'm swinging around, successfully pulling it away from me. I yelp at the splinters now embedded within my skin. Before I can react, the wolf is jumping onto me, ripping into my neck, pulling the skin, trying to kill me. 

I scream the loudest I have ever screamed. I try to push the wolf away but its futile, I'm no match to the giant wolf. I'm going to die. The darkness surrounds my vision in swirls, I can't fight back I don't have the strength. I'm going to die. I had a pretty pathetic life. I wish. I wish I saw Jericho one last time.   

I barely feel that the wolf has been thrown off me, It's the audible crack that brings me back to the present. I can't concentrate. 

I take in greedy breathes, that turn into a gurgling noise, my hand shakily holding onto my bleeding neck. I look up to thank Jordan but find a blonde wolf instead, looking around I find that we are surrounded by more wolves, one is helping Jordan the others are attacking the rogues. Noah rushes over to me and nods to the blonde wolf, "Noah?" I whimper."Shh it's ok, the near by pack is helping, but we need to follow them, your neck needs treating"

I feel my hot blood slide down my neck, the bleeding isn't stopping. I go Limp, feeling weak and borderline on deaths door. I faint to sound of Noahs panicked voice.

Jordan's POV

I am so pathetic, I couldn't get to her in time, instead the pack near us got to her first. Someone else saved her, shes my responsibility. 

Shes safe now, all that matters came  my wolfs response from the back of my mind. He too has grown fond of the she wolf. Our adopted Sister.

"Is she ok?" I quickly try to get to her but wolves are surrounding her. I can smell her blood, so much of her blood. 

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