Chapter 20: One step forward

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Her voice was soft, like that of an angels, so graceful. She reminds me of the angelic being I have talked to from time to time. She doesn't look like her, but they share the same aura. They both hold a power around them, that sucks the breath out of you. 

I'm crushed within her arms minutes after 'Delilah' leaves her lips. Her tears leaving a trail on my shoulder but I can't bring myself to pull her away, mostly in fear, but also I'm to stuck in my own thoughts on whether or not I was in fact her long lost daughter. She seems to think so, but if it's a mistake.

"Della... Are you sure?", The Alpha stands awestruck but a doubt resides within his eyes, the doubt is keeping him planted at the door. This man couldn't possibly be my father, I looked nothing like him, "Della, please stand back from the girl", She doesn't listen to him. Her eyes are trained on mine.

"I'm so happy to have finally found you" She raves on completely unaware that I'm shaking in my spot, my anxiety boiling within the surface. 

This is too much. I cant be her daughter, my parents are in New Zealand, They can't be my parents this is too crazy and unreal. They have to be mistaken.

"I can't wait to tell your brothers" Della murmurs in the background.

But yet I know, I know deep down they are my parents. I can feel it. Why can't I just accept this life, why am I struggling so much.

'Subconsciously you always knew'  My lycan whispers, 'All the memories are keeping you from being you, in fear of them'  Flickers of all the broken memories filter into my mind, 'We are safe here Delilah'

"Wait until you meet them, you will love them"


"Luna I think you should step back"

"What?.. Oh"

"Jaime..?" Jordan. He really isn't my brother is he.

'Not by blood no, but he is our brother'

I didn't notice I was on my knees until I saw Jordan kneeling with me, hand gently on my shoulder, soft encouragements coming from his mouth, "Its ok, I'm here, I promise I won't leave you"

"They really are my parents aren't they" I whisper so softly he almost didn't hear me. 

"Yes" his hand softly rubs circles, "What is she saying?" He catches me off guard. Thinking quietly, I feel her come forward softly, almost like shes caressing my mind, encouraging me. With eyes shining gold I look him in the eye, "The truth"

Jordans eyes water over, with a small nod he holds my shoulder tighter.

"What happened to you" Dxton is the first one to speak, his rough appearance borderline hysterical, his tears being desperately held back. Caught completely off guard I stutter an answer. 

Jordan goes to answer for me, but I squeeze his hand, I have to do this. With a deep breath I whisper, not meeting their eyes, "I don't remember" My breath hitches in a rise in anxiety, but I finish quickly with, "My memories were wiped regularly"

"Bastards, They will pay with there lives!" He roars earning a light slap from Della, "You are scaring her Dex" 

"Sorry, I got carried away earlier, you can meet them when you are ready to" Della steps forwards, kneeling down with me. I advert my eyes instantly, but she eases my head up, "But you are my daughter Jamie, I want you in my life. But I can understand if you wish to take it slow or if you wish to leave.... We will accept any path you take, even if we aren't in it. But please know we are here"

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