Chapter 5: Crystal Clear Florist

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"Have a good day"

"You too"

I smile brightly at the middle aged women and wave as she leaves the store, the moment she's gone I can't help but sigh.

I had planned to have a quiet day to reflect, get my bearings straight, clear my head. But mum has different ideas for me. She last minute had to go back with Dad and Jordan; something about a problem arising in the financial agreements with another company.

So while she's gone for a week so I'm stuck here in her shop selling her flowers.

I can't really complain, I'm getting paid and it's not like I was thrown into the situation with no clue on what to do, I usually work here three times a week anyway. And it's giving me time to think over what's happened lately.

I pull out my leather bound book and skim over the pages, the first two outline what's been happening lately, and the third goes over my theories.

Something tells me to write everything down, just so I remember everything clearly. I don't know but it's a powerful feeling and I wouldn't sit right if I ignored it.

I spend the day making flower arrangements and cleaning the shelves. I think about what I might have for tea, what I'll do during tomorrow's shift.

I end up making a schedule that outlines things that need doing here and what I might make for tea while I'm home alone for the next week.

Chicken parmi for tea tonight sounds good. Maybe a mushroom burger tomorrow night? Could even use the peaches Mum brought the other day and make a pie, we have some cream that can go with it.

The chime of someone walking in snaps me out of my thoughts, I immediately put on a smile and prepare to greet the customer.

He is gorgeously handsome. Before me stands a very tall black man with a sharp ruggedness. He's wearing a green jacket over a hoodie that looks like it needs to be a size up because it's clinging to everything, exposing all muscle. He radiates with a power that I don't quite understand, it sends shivers across my skin.

"Hi, can I help you?"

He smiles and rubs the back of his neck, "I was hoping to get a um uh-" he looks around the shop before pointing to the flower arrangements on the counter, "one of those"

I can't help but smile, he might look handsomely intimidating by his size but he's a nervous, awkward wreck. It's kind of cute.

"A flower arrangement?"

He nods Sheepishly. I grab one and put it on the counter, "would you like a card to go with it? Doesn't cost anything"

"Yeah, sure"

He stands with pride but he looks so nervous. Yet he still looks handsome. I shake away my thoughts when I feel my cheeks flush.

I smile and grab one of our greeting cards and go to place it in front of him but end up accidentally dropping it. I curse myself inwardly for dropping the card and go to pick it up, apparently the handsome guy had the same idea causing us to clash heads.

"Ow" I laugh slightly, rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry" the man looks horrified, he reaches out carefully and looks over my head. My breathe hitches in my throat, he is very close. Part of me wants him to be closer. He smells amazing, like cinnamon and lemon, I almost step closer so I could get a better whiff but immediately stop myself, I would look crazy if I did something like that.

He quickly pulls away and looks at me bashfully, "Sorry, I shouldn't have invaded your space"

"It's ok"

Please do it again.

He puts his face in his hands and sighs loudly.

"I'll just take those" he quietly says pointing to the flower arrangements, grabbing them quickly he says sorry again before quickly walking towards the door, muttering constantly about being stupid. Before he reaches for the door he turns back around suddenly and smiles awkwardly, "what's your name?"

"Jamie Garcia"

He whispers my name to himself, making my skin crawl.

He looks up with a big smile, "Noah Magoro"

Noah, my heart skips a beat at the sound of his name. It's perfect for him. I have an urge to say his name aloud, but decide against it.

"Um could I get your number?"

I blink a few times in shock, which he must have misunderstood as a no, because he looks forlorn suddenly.

Sadden by his sad look I quickly answer before he leaves, "Ok"

Ripping out a page from my book i write down my number and stretch it out to him, "here"

"Thank you" he smiles and leaves the store.

When he's gone I hear my phone chime with a notification.

Unknown number
Hi it's Noah


My being stirs at the sound of his name. Noah Magoro. What an interesting Individual.

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