Chapter 1: Selenophile

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You finally get the sequel.

Thank you to everyone who has waited and continued my series.

For those who are wondering why I took a long break. I don't enjoy writing as much as I use to so I wanted to try writing when I wanted to so I don't get so stressed. I am also finishing my last year of high school. So when you guys are reading this I will have finished school and hopefully have graduated.

( I did )

So again thank you for everyone who has waited and welcome to everyone who has just Started reading my series.

Enjoy ❤️


Floating, I felt like I was floating, my limbs weightless but so heavy and mind a scrabbled mess.

I tried to move but my mind felt too tired and weak, like someone had run a meat clever through my brain, and then decided to work their way down my body, breaking all bones in its path.

"Help" I whispered weakly too no one.

No one would help me. I was a lone in the dark; lying in a basement I didn't even know we had under our little house.

What else didn't I know?

What else was being kept hidden from me?

Have I been here before?

Who are my parents? Why are they doing this to me?

I whimper as I try to move, move to the nearest window. I cant escape, that's impossible in my state, but I can try and get some comfort in my horrible situation; the moon.

Something calls me to the moon, levitates me to the moons arrival during the days darkening hours. Everyone has there comfort zone, mine has been the moon. Something about the round glowing sphere speaks volumes of comfort.

I wake up from reacquiring nightmares, that send me into a barrel of panics. I never remember my dreams, but the moment I see the moon I feel as if that's ok, as if the moon is talking to me itself, telling me everything will be ok. Some times I swear I can hear the moon talking to me, in my dreams, on the rare occasion I have a good dream it'll be a humanoid moon, talking to me saying shes here to look after me and that everything will be over soon.

Pushing myself up I wince at the feeling of my bones scraping the floor, I refuse to look at the mess they created on my body, with the last of my strength I grab onto the ground in front on me and pull myself to the soft luminescent glow. I cry out when I feel its soft caress on my skin.

The pain increases tremendously over my body sending me into shock. I don't remember why I was put in here, I just remember being poked with needles that numbed my body and sent it into a series of abnormal pain. Causing me to be in and out of sleep constantly. They would come down here and rip me apart until I was begging them to stop, until they felt satisfied with the damage.

"Help please"

"I beg of you"

I crawl into myself and cry loudly, I mourn for the lost of family. The family I didn't realise I didn't have until today.. I think today. I don't know how long I've been in here.

I stare up to the moon, I want to scream and let out my frustrations to it, but I just end up crying more, whispering why over and over and over again. I clutch onto my ripped shirt painfully, denial washing over me and a great depression. I felt happy with my family, I thought we were ok, I thought we were happy. What have I done wrong?

I want my happy life back, I don't want to feel these feelings.

"Is something wrong with me?" I shout, "What did I do wrong? Please I'll fix it, Please!"

"Mum! Dad!"


"Please" I whisper softly, a feeling of drowsiness over coming me, I look to the moon one last time.

'Sleep dear, not much longer now'

Obeying I fall into a deep sleep, the moons glow my blanket of protection during my restless sleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but it didn't feel long enough.

I wake up from the door to my imprisonment opening. The dread of whats to happen gnaws at me, the door opens wider to my brother walking in, he looks at me with the guiltiest look on his face.

He puts a finger to his lips, "They will be down in a few minutes" he whispers. He walks closer and hands me a bottle of water. I take it shakily.

"I'm so sorry Jae, I promise one day I will get you out of here, I just need you to be strong. I'm so sorry"

He looks at the door, shadows starting to appear. Soon my mother walks through the door with her owl resting on her shoulders, my father trailing behind her, a deadly calm expression on his face that causes me to try and move further away from them.

"Jamie" My mothers voice says softly, "Now have we learnt our lesson?" kneeling down in front of me she grabs onto my chin softly to bring my eyes to her glowing blue ones, "We do not let our lycans come through" her grip tightens, "Well?" she says with more bite. I shake my head desperately, her grip still tightening around my chin like a snake.

She looks at me with such hatred it has me tearing up. I don't understand what she means, but continue to nod my head, "I wont show the lycan"

"Thata girl" she says so sweetly, her grip turns into a caress, "Mummy just wants you to be safe sweetie but you can't be if you show how much of a monster you are"

She rips her hand away from me, sending my face to the left sharply.

"I'll heal her and wipe her memory you put her in her room"

Weakly I look to my parents and my brother all looking at me with hatred and a dark evil within their eyes, Jordan looking emotionless but he twitches slightly when fingers clicking echos the room.

In an instant I feel my bones snapping and my skin ripping, causing a loud scream to echo the room. Snapping of bones drumming in my ears causing me to scream louder when the pain intensifies, the ripped off ear cross the room now being regrown painfully.

The skin over my knee caps clears over the deep wounds, leaving only the blood as a reminder. The pain starts to ease as my once destroyed body heals as if it hadn't happened.

Painful ugly sounds come out of my mouth as I try not to panic over my mothers healing. She snaps again and the blood residing on my body is pulled towards my mother creating a sphere of my blood in front of her, she tosses it towards my brother, her catches the now solid blood.

"Put it with the rest"

Jordan gives me one more fleeting look before he nods and walks out of the room.

"Jamie dear, look at me"

I obey, clutching onto my once broken arm, I don't hold back the tears from falling down my face.

She looks at me with those glowing eyes, ones her owl matches,"You will forget this ever happened, tomorrow you will continue the day as if nothing ever happened"

She snaps her fingers and on cue my father steps forward to catch my falling body as an overwhelming feeling of drowsiness fills my mind.

My eyelids start to close as they fill heavier by the minute.

Before long I fall into a dark sleep, and for tomorrow to come I will have no memory of the weeks events.

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