Chapter 9: Sri Lanka

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A/N: Hi everyone, how are you all?

A few people have asked about my updating schedule, I want to try and make it once a week but sometimes I can't due to job hunting and I also get migraines regularly, writing is the last thing I want to do during these episodes. But I will try to update when I can. Next update will definitely be soon, as its already written up, ready for you guys to read.

Enjoy :)


"We are moving to Sri Lanka"

If I could pause time, I swear I did in those few seconds. My heart stopped beating and the world barely moving around me. I can't make out the voices or the people around me, everything turns into one fuzzy image; a black tunnel slowly gaining my vision.

I didn't even register the arms that wrap around me as I descend to the ground, my legs heavy and head hot. I close my eyes.

When I wake up later on that day, I'm in my room hooked up to an IV. I don't get to catch a break because the moment I start to move the IV machine starts to beep like crazy. I try to get it to stop but it doesn't let up, causing a distressed Jordan to come racing into my room. 

He pushes a few buttons trying to turn the machine off, but it continues to beep. Out of frustration he pulls the plug out by the wall and turns me.

"Good to see you're awake, how are you feeling?"

"Ok, I guess" I mumble weakly.

"Wheres Mum and Dad?"

"They went to the florist, something about cleaning up a mess" He mutters to himself as he starts to pull the needle from my hand. I nod and fiddle around with my bed sheets, I look to the time and it's early in the morning. I slept for awhile.

"Could you take me to the park? please", He gives me a pointed look and continues to inspect my wounds

"Why do you want to go the park?, you do realize that you are in bed now because you over worked yourself yesterday and you were also in shock, but my point is" he gives me a soft look and pats my head, "You need rest"

"I just need some air" I counter back. Trying to get up from my bed. But of course Jordan tries to gently pull me back. I go to push back but a sharp pain in my side stops me.

Jordan instantly plays into the roll of nurse and re-bandages my side

"Could you take me to the park, I just need some air" He looks ready to decline my plead again so I quickly cut him off, "Please"

He closes his mouth and sighs, "Ok.... But only for a little while, you need rest Jaime"

"Thank you"

When we get to the park, we walk over to a tree away from the attention of eyes, I'm not in the mood to have people look at my current state. I texted Noah letting him know I was here, which Jordan sees and of course starts asking a million and one questions.

"Who's Noah?"

"A friend"

"Why are you meeting up with him at the park?"

"I wanted to see him"

"Are you sure he is a friend? Sounds like a secret boyfriend to me"



"Shut up" 

He opens his mouth but I cut in and give him a don't push it look. He puts his hands up i the air, "Ok, OK, but just some advice I wouldn't tell Mum or Dad about him if I were you"

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