Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands

Start from the beginning

A pearl farm was located on a neighboring island. The lagoon near it was mapped. On the surface of the water, white balls-floats swayed in orderly rows on the waves. Long, curved bridges ran along the water to the shore. On one of them stood a middle-aged man. He had a dark, weathered face, gray hair, and keen eyes. Climbing into the boat, he greeted the guests and introduced himself as the owner of the farm, Monsieur Jean.

The boat sailed to the buoys. It turned out that they were attached to а ship ropes, which ropes overgrown with seaweed hung in the water. They had black oyster shells attached to them. The man talked about how pearls are grown and Defne listened to him with her mouth open. A small grain of sand that has turned into a beautiful pearl - isn't it a miracle? And doesn't it happen among people? An ordinary, nothing inconspicuous girl, whom life brought into the house of a magnificent man, under the influence of his love, turned from Cinderella into a Princess. The most real magic and miracle. Defne looked up and met Omer's gaze. He looked at her with tenderness and adoration ... Yes, it was magic and a miracle!

The man pulled several bunches of shells into the boat and let Defne choose one for herself as a gift. She looked closely and pointed to the darkest. For some reason, it was it who attracted her gaze. Monsieur Jean took a pocketknife from a purse at his waist and deftly opened the shell. Its walls were even, smooth, black, and shimmered with a pearlescent sheen. A bump was visible near the oyster itself. The man opened it with the tip of the knife and Defne gasped. There it lay. The most beautiful, most perfect black pearl.

- Madam, bravo! - exclaimed Monsieur Jean. - You are a very lucky woman. This pearl is flawless. It will become an amazing decoration for you and will protect your family from troubles and misfortunes.

Defne took it in her hand. It was smooth and warm. Its brilliance reminded the girl of the radiant light of Omer's eyes at the moment when he looks at her and they flash with undisguised desire.

She already knew what she would do with the pearl. The picture appeared in a flash before the inner eye and stuck in the brain. Yes! She would do it.

- Monsieur, madam, do you like oysters? The man asked.

Defne looked at the lump of dark slime in the shell and shook her head. Omer smiled and replied:

- Very!

"I have lemon with me." He took a yellow fruit out of his purse and, cutting it in half, squeezed the juice into the shell. He handed it to Omer with the words: - Celebrate your wife's luck.

He took it and, closing his eyes with pleasure, drank the contents. Defne winced. When Monsieur Jean turned away, she bent down to her husband's ear and quietly asked in Turkish:

- You won't vomit? It looks disgusting.

"But the taste is divine," Omer answered in the same way, leaning to her ear. "Also, oysters are considered an aphrodisiac that increases masculine strength," he looked into her eye, and then at her lips.

Defne blushed and muttered to herself:

- You might think - you need it ... but your masculine strength will be enough for ten.

Omer threw back his head and laughed merrily. And then, looking into her eye, he purred in a velvet voice:

- Oh yeah! Enough. Just let us get to the bungalow...

Defne's cheeks turned crimson. She glanced sideways at the boatman and Monsieur Jean, but they were busy talking and did not pay any attention to the couple in love. Bringing her lips to Omer's ear, she whispered:

- Don't turn your nose up too much. I also have a couple of thoughts on this matter.

Omer stared at her with an incredulous look in which fire flared up with every second.

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