Drama addicton

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"I'm addicted to this"

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"I'm addicted to this"

"Where's Kiki?" Taehyung asked, walking into their living room after his jog.
"Probably in bed." Yoongi mumbled, upset that someone woke him up.
"Still? It's 10:00.." Taehyung muttered climbing up the stairs to her room.
"Hey Riri, can i come in?" He asked. Some shuffling was heard, and then a 'yes' came his way.
"What are you even doing in here?" Looking at the young girl who was still lying in bed Taehyung shook his head before turning around and opening her curtains.
"Hyung~ It's too bright.." Slinging an arm over her eyes, she crawled further underneath her blanket.
"Get up or I'm gonna call Jin hyung." Leaving it at that, he walked out the room. Smiling when hearing a complain from Kiki.

"Princess, it's been an hour are you done?" Namjoon now knocked on the door, pressing his ears onto the door trying to hear whats happening.
"Coming!" A foam filled mouth opened the door, a toothbrush in hand and a hair band pushing behind her hair. "Joon?" She asked, before backing back into the room slowly.
"What's taking you such a long time?" He asked, raising an eye brow and looking into the room.
"Your invading my privacy, quickly go away..." Kiki said, not having their eyes meet and trying to move Namjoon out of the room.
"What are you hiding hm?" He asked, only to have the door being shut right into his face.
Going down the stairs Namjoon was greeted with the rest looking at him perplexed. "What was Kiki doing?" Jin asked.
"She's hiding something isn't she?" Hoseok replied, earning a nod from the rest.
"I swear- I heard her talking and like screaming yesterday-" Jungkook paused, his eyes widening. "DOES SHE HAVE A MAN WITH-" Before he could finish his scream Jimin covered his mouth and kicked his leg. "Be quiet won't you." Rolling his eyes before letting go.
"We need to find out right now." Jungkook emphasised after Jimin let him go.
"Not now...it would only cause suspicion." Yoongi said, now fully awake.
"She's smart enough not to bring anyone home." Jin whispered. "But also smart enough to not let us find out if we ask her right now.."
"We can just ask her you know-she wouldn't lie to us." Taehyung shrugged.
"Lie to you guys about what.." Kiki asked, siding eyeing the group of boys.
"Nothing..." Taehyung said, staring right back at her. Trying to let her know the lie behind his words.
"Alright.." Leaving it at that Kiki walked over to the dinning room and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"What's the plan today?" She asked, taking a sip.
"You have a meeting with Lina, Yoongi is going to the studio and the rest of us is going to dance together. Some has other outfit fitting, some has song writing tasks." Jin replied, sitting down beside Kiki. "And, you can't drink this." Taking the bottle of ice water out of her hands, he handed her the thermos filled with warm water.
"It wakes me up, please?" Kiki pleaded, her whole body reaching for the water.
"No." Jin replied, placing the bottle of water back into the fridge.
"Hmmmm...." Winning Kiki slumped back into her chair.
"Princess...it's -3 degrees outside, you can't have ice water before you have anything in your stomach." Yoongi patted her on the shoulder, handing her the bowl of seaweed soup. "Drink up." He said. Finally nodding Kiki reached for the spoon and started eating.
"I should head off, it's past 10:00. I'll be back before 8:00." Yoongi said, waving at everyone grabbing his coat and leaving the dorm.
"Bye hyung!"
"Bye Yoongi."
"Well, the rest of us needs to head to the dance studio." Hoseok said after a few minutes of silence with Kiki sipped on her soup.
"Alright sounds fun!" She replied, getting up from the seat. "See you guys later!" Waving, she hurried back up the stairs to grab her bag.
"See you!"

"She doesn't seem suspicious.." Taehyung concluded after they left the dorm and started stretching in the practice room.
"No she doesn't. Maybe we are over reacting?" Jungkook asked, looking at Jin for a conclusion.
"That I don't know. Maybe Kiki's just tired these days." He sighed.
"Alright, stop worrying about that for now, let's get the dance going." Jimin said, clapping his hands and breaking off the circle they have formed.
"Into positions-"


"Yuqi, I'm telling you. The show you recommended? Oh my god- 我要疯了 (I'm going crazy over it). It's so good and interesting, seriously addicting." Kiki gushed on the call while scrolling through her phone to find dinner for her and the boys.
"Well, I'm on episode 4 and..." Yuqi responded, with the same amount of enthusiasm.
"Don't spoil it! I'll watch later tonight." Kiki said, stopping her just before Yuqi could get to the spoiler.
"Alright, alright. You should really-"
The pair wondered off into their daily updates and in the mean time Kiki found a thai restaurant recommended by Lucas that she could order for dinner.
The shutting of the door made her realise time has gone by fast enough. Meaning either Yoongi has returned or the other boys has all returned from their schedule.
"Yuqi, I got to go. I'll catch up with you after I watch the episode."
"Alright see you!"
Ending the call at that she stood up and walked to the living room.
"Hey guys! I ordered thai food for dinner."
"Sounds good! I need to go shower first, don't wait up!" Hoseok shouted as he went rushing to the bathroom.
"I swear, we have enough bathrooms now to wash all together, why is he still.." Namjoon stopped, once realising the other maknaes has followed the example and rushed into their bathrooms.
"Don't worry Joon, I'll set dinner up you also go shower." Kiki said while pushing him towards the stairs. "You too Jin hyung."
Jin sent her a wink and walked up the stairs disappearing with Namjoon.

Later after everyone has finished dinner, Kiki disappeared into her room immediately. Making up some random excuse that she was tired, she left with out answering the questions sent her way.
"I'm checking on her, this behaviour is so strange." Yoongi decided after clearing the table with the others.
"We're coming..." The others replied in a chorus, shocked when realising they said it together.

Being very careful with their footsteps, they edged closer to the door and listened out for sounds. Indeed, some quiet sound was playing and a man and a woman's voice were heard.
"Who-" Covering Jungkook's mouth they listened closer.
"OH MY GOD WHY CANT YOU JUST KISS ALREADY-AHH!" A shout from Kiki made the rest startled before without asking they all pushed forward together.
"Kiki what are you even doing-" A drama was playing on her screen and one leaned in for a kiss.

"Oh my god, what are you even watching

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"Oh my god, what are you even watching." Taehyung asked, attention on the screen.
"I'm watching a kdrama...why..." Kiki asked, now suspicious of the 7 boys that just barged into her room.
"Oh we thought-we thought-"
"Thought someone was with me? Guys, first of all how do i sneak someone in? Second why do i need to sneak someone in? Third, do you guys don't think I know what happens if I bring a boy in here." She asked, tilting her head and shaking when they didn't reply.
"Sorry it's just we thought you got a boyfriend or something..." Jungkook replied, shrugging when a look of confusion crossed Kiki's face.
"You guys think i'd date someone with out telling you guys?" Chuckling she asked.
"Okay don't turn this against us. Is this was your always up so late?" Jin asked, looking at the screen.
"Yes, but please at least let me finish this episode. I know you don't want me staying up late." Kiki said, a pout carried on her face.
"Just this, and then your going to sleep. All of us." Jin announced once he heard a snicker from Jungkook.
"Now shh, I'm going to watch this. Feel free to join, or please exit." Taehyung who is already into the show, eyes glued to the screen sat down next to her. Jimin sitting down and Hoseok deciding to stay.
"Alright then, goodnight!." The rest said before closing the door.
After an episode clearly it didn't satisfy them at all.
"We have to stop." Kiki said, turning off the screen.
"But I want to know who she choses!"

That was how the whole entire group slowly joined in watching the drama and once in a while returning to it as a comfort show.


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