24. Jack

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I know that I did everything wrong.

But being frame again and bankrupt didn't help my case with Clara.

A car stopped in front of me and Diego got out.

He is an old friend from middle school.

We always help each other out when there is trouble.

After everything that happened he let me stay at his house.

"You are going to get mad at me" Diego said nervous.

I got him to help me keep an eye at Clara.

He always complains that Clara is always bossy and strict.

"What happened?" I asked getting up from my seat.

"Its about clara" he said looking away.

It was hard to breath.

Something terrible had to have happen for him to react this way.

"She disappear" he said quickly.

The words kept ringing in my ears.


No it was a joke.

It had to be.

"How did it happen? You only had one job and you couldn't protect her!" I shouted at him furious.

"She left with a women. The police was interrogating me. I tried to follow her but they were faster" he said looking down.

"What do you mean that she disappeared!" I said grabbing him by the collar.

"She was being chased just as you thought. I tried to help her. I'm really sorry" he said upset.

I let go of him.

"There was a women right. We just need to find her to get Clara back where she belongs" I said backing away from him.

"I talked with my sources. They have information that you need to see" he said getting his phone out and calling someone.

"Hey, can we met now. Its important" he said serious.

After he hang up.

He was quiet in lost on thought.

"What is it" I said clenching my hand.

"Lets go" he said turning and getting inside his car.

I got on and didn't speak.

My only thought was if Clara was still alive.

I tried to forget her but I couldn't and more because I wanted to make it up to her.

We could even be friends if that was possible.

After 10 minutes we arrive to a cafe shop.

We got out of the car and I follow Diego inside the cafe shop.

A men stood up when he saw us and Diego walked towards him.

He didn't say anything until we sit down.

He put a bunch of pictures on the table.

"What is this?" I asked grabbing the pictures in going through them.

I didn't recognize any of the people on the pictures.

"Are you sure you don't know them?" The men said tapping the table.

"Sure as I can be" I said annoyed.

He grabbed a picture and pointed at two men standing close to each other.

"They were the ones that frame you and caused you to go bankrupt" he said.

I stared at the picture but I have never met them before in my life.

"Here" he said taking another picture.

It was from my wedding with Clara.

Two men stood far away staring at me and Clara with hate.

"They are the same men" I said shocked.

"Yes" he said.

"But why? I never did anything to them" I said slamming my hand hard on the table.

"Calm down" Diego hiss at me, looking around as people stared.

"The police has always been in search of David Lee for murder and kidnapping" he said giving me an old news paper.

"He was the first suspect to kill his own parents and kidnapping his sister veronica" the men continue speaking.

The picture on the paper showed two young children. And the background showed a house burning down.

The boy had a huge smile. While the girl looked terrified.

"There was a huge scandal. People argue that how could a child kill both parents at the same time. Without over taking him. But there was a witness that argue that the boy murdered them. That he was evil" the men said grabbing the paper.

And turning the page pointing at a young men.

"He was later on accused of the murder of Davids parents. The weapon used to kill them were found in his house. Yet he kept argue that the boy did it" he said.

"What does this have to do with me" I said impatient.

"After this happened both children disappear. Nobody ever saw them for years. Until a women carrying a baby girl, appeared out of the blue to accuse David of kidnapping her and raping her" he said stopping for a second as a waitress arrive in left him a cup of coffee.

"Yet again what does that have anything to do with me" I said furious.

"Do you know this men?" He asked taking older pictures of a couple.

I stared at the picture.

I tried to look away but couldn't.

"That... That is my father. My parents separated when I was a child. I didn't see my father much" I said.

Remembering the painful times.

I needed my father with me but he had left to do his own life.

He was in a terrible accident that ended his life.

My mother would always be terrified that the same thing would happen to me.

"He was the one that helped her escape. They live together for 2 years before they both disappear. After a month your father was found dead" he said getting more papers on the table.

"And the women?" I asked in a low voice.

"She was never found and the girl also disappear but there was a rumor that the women give her daughter away to adoptive parents" he said.

"What does this have to do with Clara?" I asked.

"From other source its being said that this people work for David. David thinks that Clara is his daughter. And wants her with him. That is the information we could get" he said sipping his coffee.

"Where can I find him?" I asked getting ready to leave.

"You don't need to look for him. He will come to you" the men said also getting up to leave.



She was found but how.

I tried my best yet he keeps appearing.

I need to do something to help her.

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