17. Second Chance

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I was so determined to save Jack and Mat from confronting each other.

"So you mean that you would give me a chance to be with you" Jack asked surprised.

"Yes, why not? But with one condition to leave Mat alone" I said eyeing him.

"So you are only thinking about him" Jack said coldly.

"No, I am thinking that maybe I judged you wrong" I said looking at him.

"Fine, I will leave him alone" Jack said.

"Now can we go to the park again" I said in a pleading voice.

"Okay, but no more running" he said rubbing his forehead.

"O, come on" I said leaning towards him and kissing him on the cheek.

Jack looked shocked by my actions.

Maybe I was the problem all along. I only wanted things to go my way. Never thinking about the people that surrounded me and the way I hurt them. I feel like I could never forgive myself for leaving my sick mother and not trusting them.
I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't noticed jack grabbing my hand.

"I love you" Jack said smiling at me.

"I love you, too" I said blushing and grabbed his hand.

I laughed at his expression as I started to run.


"Where were you?" Mat asked as I entered the house and closed the door.

"I went to the park to think" I said sitting down on the sofa.

"Thinking about what?" Mat asked calmly.

"About the way you lied to me about my mothers health. How could you lie to me and all to get your revenge on Jack!" I said furiously.

"I did it to protect you" he said sitting next to me.

"No, you did it because of your pride. You only thought about using me! Me the person that trusted you the most. How could you!" I said feeling my heart beat increase.

"Because I love you" he said grabbing my hand.

"Love! Love! You don't even know what that is" I said feeling annoyed.

"Like Jack did things differently" he said sarcastic.

"Jack also hurt me but he never allowed others to hurt me. Like the man you ordered to kidnapped me. Unless Jack was man enough to confront me and tell me the things he did unlike someone I know" I said glaring at him.

"Clara you need to think things clearly" Mat said getting mad.

"I decided to give Jack a chance" I said.

"I knew it" Mat said with a smile.

"Aren't you mad?" I asked taken aback.

"Why would I be mad. We are still friends right" he said smiling at me.

"Yes, if you stop doing dumb stuff. No, if you keep being a jerk. So you decide because this is your last chance to become a better person" I said getting up to go to my room.

"I love you" he said grabbing my hand.

"Don't let jack hear you, if you don't want to be a dead men" I said as he let go.

"I won't stop saying those words until the day you realize that I'm the men of your dreams" he said firmly.

I laughed as I sit down in the sofa again.

Why do they both have to be so wicked?

Are they finally driving me crazy, too.

"You find this funny" he said sounding hurt.

"You were the men of my dreams when I first met you. You know, after I left my husband I thought about you. The men that saved my life and helped me when I needed help" I said not being able to stop talking, "but you were hiding the evil side of you and that disappointed me the most".

"I though you only thought of Jack" he said trying to get close to me.

"Yes, I always had Jack in mind but now I feel confused" I said rubbing my forehead.

"Confused?" Mat asked.

"Yes" I said getting up to leave.

"So you don't love Jack?" Mat asked grabbing my hand tightly.

"Let go and love is a strong word" I said as he let go.

"You don't love him. Now I'm more determined to fight for you" he said with a smile.

"It's impossible to talk to you" I said annoyed.

"Goodnight, my angel" he said hurrying to his room.

"Angel" I mumble with a smile.

"I love you" he shouted for me to hear.

Why is it so hard to decide.

Could it be because both of them did things that hurt me.

Jack was a abusive and manipulative husband that only thought about himself.

Mat lied about my moms sickness and wanted to do everything to hurt Jack even if that meant using me.

How lucky am I?

Should I run away again for good?

Seriously, they are driving me crazy.

They are both insane.

"Stupid" I mumbled I had the doctors phone number.

He could help me investigate the truth.

I hurried out the door.

Jack and Mat thought I was stupid. A women that could be manipulated and used whenever.

When I was far away I called.

Please, answer. I thought after it ringed a couple of times.

"Hi, this is Dr. Jame..." The man answered quickly.

"Doctor this is clara I need your help in something. Can we meet in person?" I asked quickly.

It took a couple of seconds before he answered.

"Your lucky I answered the phone and yes we can meet" he said giving a small chuckle.


I waited at a small cafe shop feeling my hands shaking.

"Are you, ok?" A voice asked.

I looked up quickly to see the doctor.

"Thank you for coming at this time. I really need your help" I said quickly.

I explained my mothers situation and how she as deceived me many times.

I need to know the truth was my mother lying to me this whole time.

"If you want to know the truth you should convince here to come see me" he said after studying me for a couple of seconds.

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