"I'm afraid the king is not available." The knight's voice pulled her attention away from the door. She turned to him.

"What do you mean?" Morgana questioned taking a step closer to the door, brushing her fingers over the wood.

"Whenever this door is closed, it means your majesty is attending important business with Sir Lancelot and the wizard who is always with him. I always forget his name Em... Elyan? No, it's..." Morgana's face lit up as her eyes opened wide. She had waited too long to remain nice and pleasant. She smiled before putting her hands in the door. Her eyes shone bright and blue before the door opened wide in a rush of wind. The knight watched this with taking a step back, withdrawing his sword as he walked behind her.

Three men were standing in the room, six pairs of eyes now staring at Morgana. The knight walking behind her muttering a series of apologies about how he had no idea that she could do such thing, and how remorseful he was for interrupting their utterly important meeting.

Her attention was caught by a pair of bright green eyes who stared at her in shock, mouth slightly open. He looked taller than she remembered, or perhaps he had always been that tall and the time away made her forget about it. He had a slight stubble, his hair was tied back, but a few strands were loose at the front, framing his face. He looked slightly older than what Morgana knew he was, but his eyes still were the same. Despite the apparent surprise they now held, they looked as nice as she remembered. Morgana wanted to run to him, to hold him tight and let him hug her with the same awkward reluctance he always did and ask him if he had missed her just a fraction of what she had missed him. That would have been enough.

Instead her feet hesitated, he probably hadn't missed her at least one bit. She focused her attention on the man standing at the front, head straight and firm posture. An all too familiar set of kind blue eyes with a hint of playful mischief in them staring at Morgana with curiosity, eyebrows slightly furrowed. There was no crown over his blonde hair, but Morgana could see a bit of Uther's ghost in his features despite the fact that Igraine's resemblance was also clear in him.

"Who is this?" questions who Morgana thought Lancelot was withdrawing his sword. He had long hair that reached his chin, a thick accent, his eyes were deep and brown, and he had a slight stubble, on his long face. He had a slight tan and long eyelashes. He was very handsome.

Morgana put up a smile in her face and extended her arms as she gave cautious small steps towards the group.

"Little brother! It's so good to see you, oh you've grown so much! You were so tiny the last time I saw you," Morgana made her hands resembled as if she was holding a baby in her arms. Arthur rose a hand and both the knight and Lancelot returned their swords to their sheaths. Morgana watched Emrys roll his eyes and the smile on her face only grew as she resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him

Arthur's eyes scanned her, "Who are you?... Morgana?" His eyes opened wide as he stood in front of her barely a couple steps far from her. He stood tall, he was just barely seventeen years old, if Morgana remembered correctly. Morgana let out a more genuine smile this time, turning to the knight who had walked her to the room.

"See? Told you he'll know who I was?" At the confirmation, Arthur's eyes lit up and his arms surrounded Morgana in a tight hug that surprised her, but she just as quickly returned. Once the hug broke apart, he held onto her forearms.

"It's so great to finally meet you, Emrys has told me so much about you," he assured, a smile on his young face.

"Good things I hope." Morgana peered over his shoulder watching Emrys roll his eyes. Arthur chuckled.

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