Chapter 15

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"Arthur, hurry up" Morgana turned briefly, seeing the king, Gawain, Percival and Emrys walk behind her "This is something you must see"

"I can't understand why I have to wait," the man complained. "I thought we were on good terms, at least, good enough for you not to keep a surprise from me"

"I'm still your older sister, I reserve for myself the right to have some mystery, what fun it would be if I always told you everything," Morgana shrugged, standing in front of a door, taking a deep breath, her fingers hesitated against the lock.

"Is everything alright, Morgana?" Gawain questioned; Morgana forced a smile in her features after her eyebrows twitched.

"Everything is as good as it can be," she smiled enchanting the door. The doorknob fell, and she pushed the door.

"Oh!" Morgana spoke, eyes wide open, feigning surprise "Oh my, I'm so sorry, I think I have gotten the wrong bedroom, silly me, I guess living in my husband's castle has made lost a bit of Camelot's directions" the people froze as they walked into the room, Lancelot and Guinevere tangled in a tight embrace, his armor lying on the floor. Her dress next to it.

"Guinevere" Arthur spoke horrified, staring at the woman and Lancelot who hurriedly broke apart. Not a word was spoken, and the silence weighted heavily on everyone in the room. Arthur didn't move, not for a while. Morgana had wanted to smile, but as Arthur's expression turned into a deep scowl, she realized she couldn't.

"Get ahold of them" He sentenced, his expression as severe as it could be and his voice devoid of any warmth that had made it so familiar. He turned his back on them, giving one glance to Guinevere, whose eyes were brimming with tears.

"Wait, no Arthur! Wait! Please let me explain!" She tried taking a step backwards when the knights approached her. Gawain was at the front, he was the first to throw the sword against Lancelot. Arthur raised his own sword turning to them pointing Excalibur towards Lancelot's neck, and then at Guinevere's, never hurling against any of them. He returned his sword to the sheath waiting for his order to be executed. Morgana watched the scene unfold withholding a gasp that died in her throat when Arthur left the room.

"I hope you are happy" Emrys said, walking past Morgana trailing behind Arthur, in silence.

Morgana watched at Guinevere who stood straight, as the guards walked behind her, avoiding to look at her, swords in hand while she dressed herself. Her face bright red, silent tears coming down her cheeks. Lancelot fought against Gawain, who did not relented on his attack, until Lancelot barely managed to dock an attack and run, giving Guinevere a quick promise of coming back for her. Morgana's eyes turned to the floor before she left the room, a weight settling in her chest.

Valerie remained frozen, her eyes shifting from Gabriel's surprise to Audrey's horror.

"Oh," she said simple, a lump forming in her throat while she blinked trying to stop the tears that were threatening to form in her eyes.

"Valerie," Audrey let go of Gabriel, rushing to Valerie, her hand tried to reach for the brunette's arm. Valerie moved faster, pushing her hand away and taking a step back.

"Don't." Valerie recoiled, shutting her eyes tight taking a deep breath, glaring at Audrey and barely glancing at Gabriel "I don't... you... How could you?" Valerie's voice broke, her eyes shifted to the ground, her hands curled in fists tight at each side of her.

"Valerie, listen, please, let me explain." Audrey tried, her voice coming soft and desperate, Gabriel stood behind Audrey, as her eyes looked at her wide open, but her eyebrows hung low, Valerie's lower lip trembled.

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