21 ~ Run

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"NO" you screamed as yunho spilled paint all over your fabric. After you and hongjoong had bought all the different fabrics and paints you both decided to try to make something back at the cabin. You had managed to paint a few small flowers but yunho tried to 'help' which apparently meant making a mess.

Hongjoong laughed while you angrily furrowed your eyebrows "yunho, I hate you" you mumbled out

"I was trying to help" yunho pouted from beside you. You and hongjoong had spent hours together, most of it was you watching hongjoong in awe, but after a while you had been proud of the flowers you made. 

"I tried" you sighed giving up after seeing the mess and you heard yunho yawn "I'm tired" he stated while you noticed it had gotten dark outside. You nodded your head in agreement but it was still only you, yunho, and hongjoong at the cabin. Everyone else seemed to still be outside.

"so it's crazy how seonghwa got a girlfriend before me" yunho blurted out and you found yourself wincing slightly at the reminder of seonghwa.

"yeah whatever-" hongjoong attempted to change the topic but yunho simply grumbled as he laid down on the cold wooden floor of the living room and he sighed interrupting him "seriously, can you believe it y/n"

You could tell yunho meant no harm, he was always just the giant teddy bear of your small friend group. Always kind, always talkative, always giving hugs.

But right now you felt like each word yunho spoke was stabbing at your heart. You forced a smile on your face as you spoke "yeah, I guess"

"I mean girls have always been confessing to him, but then again I have only known him for like three years. You've known him since you guys were kids" yunho laughed out while you forced a small chuckle "yeah, girls were always confessing to him" 

"but in the end he chose yeonsoo huh" yunho muttered out and like a rock being thrown at a piece of thin glass your heart seemed to shatter into small pieces. Yunho simply went back to painting while you were frozen in your spot trying to calm the aching in your heart

he chose yeonsoo

Yeah, that was right. Seonghwa had chose her, he had chosen yeonsoo over everyone...over you

Why...why did it have to hurt this much

"y/n" hongjoong called your name softly while you simply forced another smile, you knew you would have to get used to this heartbreak

You would have to get passed the aching in your heart, you would have to face the pain in order to be there for seonghwa as a friend. You just had to get rid of your feelings, but you never thought it would be this hard

"I'm going to go get some fresh air" you said as you stood up, yunho looked up at you "are you alright y/n" he asked and you waved your hand rapidly to dismiss the clear worry he had.

"I'm fine, I just want some fresh air. We've been inside for hours" you smiled as you went to walk to the front door "I'll come too" hongjoong said as he grabbed his jacket and soon you were both outside

The breeze was freezing but also calming as you stared at the night view. You heard a loud sigh as hongjoong stood next to you on the sandy beach "are you really alright" he asked

You smiled as his bright red hair seemed to glow in the dark and you nodded your head softly "yeah...I will be" 

You meant it, you knew that one day you could move on. It was only natural right, you would fall in love with someone else one day. Then one day you would truly be alright but you didn't know if you could handle waiting until then...waiting by seonghwas side

"so what, you're just going to stay by seonghwas side. You don't have to do that you know. I meant it before, you can be selfish sometimes y/n. You don't need to act all happy by his side. You can take some time away from him" hongjoong breathed out and you could see the expression on his face, you smiled at the clearly worried hongjoong.

"I know but I've never left seonghwas side for too long. Besides we live together" you laughed out knowing you and seonghwa shared an apartment so there wasn't really anywhere you could run to, but at the same time you knew you were too weak to run, that you didn't have enough courage. 

"you're an idiot you know" hongjoong said while you heard the soft sound of two voices coming closer. 

You and hongjoong turned to the side to see two people walking towards the cabin. Yeonsoo laughed as she leaned in and kissed seonghwas cheek, the two walking happily side by side as they held hands. You sighed as you watched the two and heart ached again while you spoke softly

"yeah I know...I'm an idiot"

The couple walked closer while you pushed away the pain you felt in your heart "hey guys, why are you two out" yeonsoo asked while you simply smiled at her "we just wanted to get some fresh air" you replied.

Then you moved to the side to let the couple inside the large cabin and they walked by you. As soon as they were inside the cabin you felt the sting of your tears as the cold breeze passed by you.

"I really am an idiot" you said while you stared at the ground wondering why you couldn't just go. You knew deep down it was because you still loved seonghwa, you were willing to go through the pain of being by his side as long as he was happy...but what about you, what about how you felt, how your heart broke a bit more each time you saw him with yeonsoo.

"hey y/n" hongjoong soft voice made you look up at him as you wiped away your tears

"sorry, I always cry around you" you laughed out trying to lighten the mood but hongjoong simply looked at you with a serious expression as he spoke out a few words that made your heart stop

"y/n, do you want to run away together"

Waiting | Ateez Seonghwa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now