24 ~ Happy

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As hongjoong and y/n spent more time together he started to realize that he really enjoyed her company. Then when they were away from each other he even found himself thinking about her from time to time. However, he couldn't explain what it was that made him want to spend time with her

Soon hongjoongs thoughts were interrupted when he heard y/n's voice "it's really pretty" she said as as she admired the sunset and hongjoong suddenly thought of an idea. He grabbed her hand as y/n looked confused "what, wait where are we going"

Hongjoong dragged her to a bench as he took out his phone smiling at her "we can take a picture with the sunset since you like it so much" hongjoong teased while y/n laughed "alright"

Hongjoong soon took the photo and he admired it liking how peaceful the sun setting behind them looked, he also liked the bright smile on his and y/n's face as they both sat beside each other as they held hands

"we look cute" y/n said and hongjoong smiled at her

Ever since seonghwa came back to the city hongjoong assumed y/n would be spending more time with him. However, it had been two whole weeks and hongjoong still found himself around y/n most of the time.

It seemed like seonghwa was too busy with yeonsoo, but hongjoong didn't mind. This just meant he could spend more time with y/n.

Then his fingers hovered over his phone screen as he looked over to y/n seeing she stopped looking at the photo and was simply admiring the sunset again. So he did it, his fingers moved as he looked at the contacts he had finding his name, yunho had given him his number and his others friends numbers a while ago since he wanted them to all be friends.

Hongjoong knew what he was doing was childish but he just wanted to make a point, that y/n smiled this brightly around him. He didn't know why he sent the photo to seonghwa but a part of him knew it was because he was jealous, he was jealous that y/n had loved him, or maybe still did, but he would never admit that to himself

Hongjoong put his phone away as he got up from the bench and y/n turned her head smiling up at him "oh are we going" she asked while hongjoong couldn't help but return the smile on her face as another thought came up...he wanted to see her smile everyday.

"OH, I saw this cute cafe" y/n said while her eyes lit up and she practically jumped up from the bench. Hongjoong chuckled as y/n grabbed hongjoong hand out of excitement as she dragged him down the street and he held in his laugh seeing she was heading the wrong way, he knew which cafe she was talking about. 

"it's the other way y/n" hongjoong finally spoke up and her eyes widened while she turned towards him and blushed "y-you should have told me" hongjoong couldn't help but smile at her blushing face, he thought it was absolutely adorable.

She quickly went the other way down the street and hongjoong followed her as she held his hand tightly dragging him down the street. He saw that her face was still slightly red as she looked straight ahead and hongjoong chuckled "cute"

Soon the cafe came into view and y/n stopped outside of it admiring the inside. The sun had set finally and the night sky came into view allowing the lights inside the cafe to shine brightly. However, even though the lights were nice it was getting colder outside as the sun was gone "let's go inside, it's freezing" hongjoong said while y/n nodded her head happily as she ran inside practically slamming the cafe door open.

Hongjoong took off his large coat as he sat down and y/n did the same as she took off her fluffy coat.

"so what do you want" hongjoong asked as y/n scanned the menu in front of her and she spoke "a large tea, um this one" she pointed at the tea on the menu in excitement and hongjoongs smiled getting up

"wait, let me give you money-" she tried to take out her wallet but hongjoong waved his hand slightly "no, it's alright, I'll pay" y/n smiled as she spoke out "thanks hongjoong, next time I'll pay"

Hoonjoong quickly walked up to the counter and ordered their drinks and he waited for a short time until they were ready. He then walked back to the table and he placed his drink on his side and he carefully put y/n's drink down in front of her.

They both talked for about an hour while they slowly finished their drinks and hongjoong couldn't help but smile as y/n was waving her hands around as she talked about her long day.

However, soon they were both putting on their coats again and they walked back outside feeling the cold night air. As they walked down the street hongjoong asked "do you want to watch a movie at my apartment"

The two often sent time together at hongjoongs place watching movies and tonight wasn't any different as y/n smiled "sure, that sounds great. I have the key so I can get into the apartment without waking seonghwa up" 

Y/n's smile never faltered as she talked about seonghwa and hongjoong couldn't help but feel happy as he wondered if she had moved on from seonghwa but soon his thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice


He turned around to see the two he really hoped he wouldn't have to see for a long time. For some reason hongjoong always felt so angry when he saw seonghwa, maybe it was just because he knew how much pain and heartbreak y/n had to go through...but maybe it was something else.

"hey hwa, hey yeonsoo" y/n smiled at the two and hongjoong felt his heart soar seeing not even a shred of sadness on her face. He felt nothing but joy seeing that the affect that seonghwa and yeonsoo had on y/n seemed to go away

"where are you two going" yeonsoo asked and for some reason hongjoong quickly spoke "she is coming to my place, she comes over often to watch movies"

Hongjoong didn't need to add the last part of his sentence, but as he saw the slight angry expression on seonghwas face he felt glad. Maybe he did need to add it, and he hoped seonghwa had seen the photo he had sent him

"oh that's cute, seonghwa and I were just going to go watch a movie back at my apartment too" yeonsoo smiled while hongjoong found himself gently holding y/n's hand. She looked surprised by hongjoongs sudden action but he spoke "well we should get going"

The two waved to the couple as they left and for some reason hongjoong didn't let go of y/n's hand. He didn't want to let go because as he held her hand he just felt so...happy

Then it hit him...he liked y/n

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