8 ~ Familiar

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You felt the sunlight from your window hit your face and you yawned as you slowly started to wake up. You felt a hand gently wrapped around your waist and you groaned as you rolled over, this seemed way to familiar. 

Then you chocked when your eyes finally opened and you were only a few inches away from seonghwas face. Your eyes were wide while you tried to wiggle out of his grip but his arm only tightened around your waist. 

You remembered after seonghwa came home yesterday you two had watched movies all night and had simply fallen asleep. You tried to wiggle again but then seonghwas eyes slowly opened until they widened seeing how close you two were.

He quickly removed his arm from your waist while you both shot up into a sitting position. Your face was bright red and seonghwas face almost seemed red as well, but he had no reason to be blushing or at least you thought. But you on the other hand were freaking out

Seonghwa was so close, the guy you have been in love with for three years was only inches away from you...holding you. 

"u-uh class. I have class" you stuttered out while seonghwa got up from your bed "right class, w-well you get changed" he replied quickly as he walked over to your bed room door and slammed it shut. You sat on your bed still trying to process what had just happened while also trying to calm your rapidly beating heart, but then you saw the time

"shit I'm going to be late" you cursed as you stumbled around your room getting ready

Seonghwa closed your bedroom door and leaned against it, his heart was beating rapidly and his face was warm. He had no idea why he held you so tightly in his sleep, but a part of him...a part of him felt like it was right, holding you in his arms. He just assumed it was a friend thing, you two had known each other for so long that he must have been just naturally comfortable around you. So he ignored his beating heart as he went to his room.

You ran down the street rushing as your bag was slipping constantly from your shoulders. You slammed open the school doors and you stumbled down the halls until you opened your class room door seeing class hadn't started yet

"SAFE" you screamed as some people raised an eyebrow at your dramatic entrance and others laughed. You blushed in embarrassment at your outburst that you had screamed without thinking and you walked to a random seat near the back to try to hide from the stares people gave you

You took notes like normal and the classes seemed to be endless as you wobbled up in your spot, you had jelly legs from sitting so long. You groaned and slapped your legs a few times but you heard your phone ringing

You saw the caller and a small smile appeared on your face as you walked out of class and you answered your phone

"hey mom" you said softly

You and your mother talked while you walked home, your father even joined in as they put you on speaker phone and you were smiling, it was a little awkward at times but they were trying to mend the relationship and so were you.

"well we will let you go now, it's dinner so be sure to eat your vegetables" your mother said while you chuckled holding the phone to your ear with one hand while your other hand was shoved into your pocket looking for your keys.

"yes, and make sure you don't walk to late at night-" your fathers nagging was cut off as you spoke "yes, yes, alright bye" you chuckled as you hung up and you unlocked your door.

You walked inside seeing seonghwa wasn't at the apartment yet and you furrowed your eyebrows. You knew he had classes but he should be home by now, you walked to the kitchen and you saw a note on the fridge

I went out to dinner with yeonsoo~
I'll be home later

Love hwa

You snorted, why didn't he just text you, the dork. 

You ignored the slight pain in your chest realizing seonghwa was with yeonsoo and you reached into your fridge and pulled out some ingredients for dinner. You spent a short time cooking and soon you placed the food on the small table in your living room and you turned on the tv watching some shows.

After a few hours the sun was setting beautifully and you had finished your food and a few movies. You picked up your dirty dishes and you went to the sink placing the dishes inside, then you looked at the clock. 

It was getting late, you simply boiled some hot water and poured some tea looking out of your large window admiring the setting sun. You sipped the hot drink while you smiled softly, then you looked over to the small calendar you had on your kitchen table. 

"why did hwa even buy this thing, he rarely ever looks at it" you laughed as you looked at the small calendar, but then you froze.

That date, oh no.

You almost dropped the cup of tea you had in your hands while your breathing was slightly shaky. Seonghwa, where is he-

"right he is with yeonsoo, he is fine" you reassured yourself but you kept looking at calendar feeling uneasy. However, you kept repeating in your head over and over He is with yeonsoo so he is fine, he's alright. 

Then your heart stopped as your phone ringing made you jump slightly, you saw an unknown number and suddenly you were reminded of that terrible day

"is this y/n, you see you were the top contact"

Your heart stopped as you slowly picked up the phone and answered

"is this y/n" you gulped as you felt your heart beating rapidly out of your chest

"yes" you croaked out trying to push away the memories from two years ago as you attempted to calm your shaking hands, it was too familiar.

You then heard the line was silent and your emotions were running wild at the familiar situation as you felt tears build up in your eyes as your hands got sweaty and soon you heard a loud boom as the thunder outside raged and suddenly it was pouring rain outside

It was too familiar. Then the voice finally spoke from the phone that was pressed tightly against your ear

"it's seonghwa" you froze again...way too familiar

Waiting | Ateez Seonghwa x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें