9 ~ Lost

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You ran down the streets, your clothes were soaked as you jumped onto the bus and the driver looked at you weirdly but you sat down at the front seat as the bus moved. You anxiously tapped your foot on the ground while you waited for the bus to arrive at your stop.

You had just got off the phone with yeonsoo, she got your number from one of her friends and she called you about seonghwa, he had suddenly ran out on her during their date at a restaurant saying he 'had somewhere to go' or something

She had said he seemed frantic and she called you to make sure he got back to the apartment alright. You had reassured her he would be fine but in reality you knew it was far from that. You looked out the bus window as the rain poured. The cold rain droplets fell onto your lap from your soaked hair as you thought back to the day that seemed way too familiar to the situation now.

You and seonghwa had just started college only a few months ago. You smiled as you walked down the street happily after class, you had ended classes later than seonghwa so you were walking back to your shared apartment alone. Your shoes lightly scoffed the street as you walked but your phone ringing caused you to stop. You reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone

You answered the call and spoke "hello"

"is this y/n, you were the top contact for this phone" you furrowed your eyebrows checking the phone screen making sure it was the right person...yes, it was definitely seonghwa calling you so who was this man talking

"um yes this is y/n" you said as the clouds rumbled above you and rain started pouring down, you cursed and ran to a bus stop hiding from the rain

"this is the hospital, seonghwa is here" you froze while your heart stopped

"he is currently not responding...to anyone. His mother, she has passed away and he refuses to move" your heart stopped again and soon you croaked out

"w-what this isn't funny hwa, stop with the weird voice. This isn't funny" your voice cracked as your heart clenched in pain

But then your heart shattered hearing the next words

"this is no joke, I'm sorry to inform you of this but it seems seonghwa is unresponsive and needs someone right now, so I was hoping you could come to see him since you were the top contact. I'm sorry but I have other patients as well, goodbye"  the doctors voice was rushed but you didn't blame him, he had a lot of people to look after.

But right now you watched as the bus rolled up and you got on. You stood shaking your leg anxiously as you held onto the pole as the bus moved down the street and your eyes looked at the pouring rain hitting the windows. Soon the hospital stop came into view and you ran off of the bus.

You ran inside pushing the large front doors open and you looked around panicked "s-seonghwa" you breathed out as you saw him. He was sitting to the side on some chairs in the waiting room. You were about to approach him but a hand gently touched your shoulder, you turned to see a man wearing a long white coat

"seonghwas father is on his way but may I speak to you for now" the doctor said while you slowly nodded and walked to the hall away from the chairs so you could speak in private

"seonghwa seems to be in shock, he wasn't aware of his mother being sick and being in the hospital for the past couple of months" your eyes widened while the doctor looked at you, he could tell you weren't aware either

He sighed "so it seems like she only told her husband, you see mrs park was admitted to the hospital a couple of months ago. She was terribly ill and she knew she only had a few months left to live" your heart ached while suddenly you remembered when you first left for school, seonghwas mom and you were close and she pulled you aside and spoke a few simple words that confused you until now

'take care of seonghwa. Make sure that he knows it's alright to forget about that sad and painful memories in his life, that it's alright to keep the happy memories in his heart...so he can live happily'

You stood in front of the doctor as tears streamed down your face, she was saying a goodbye to you and she wanted to make sure seonghwa would be happy. 

"please, just look after seonghwa and make sure he doesn't to anything rash. Some people get angry after a loved one dies, but some people stay silent and lost" the doctor then rushed off down the hall most likely going to take care of another patient

You slowly walked down the halls as you wiped your tears. then you took a deep breath as you walked towards the chairs again and you saw seonghwa sitting

He sat with lifeless eyes as he stared at the ground

Your heart shattered seeing him so broken and you slowly sat down beside him. You knew you had no words to say, you had no way to sooth his broken heart.

You had even felt a little lost not knowing what to do, seonghwas mother was so close to you and right now it felt like your heart was splitting in two, you could only imagine how seonghwa felt losing his own mother. You felt the tears form in your eyes as you sat beside him and you could see the lost look in his eyes.

You sat quietly both of you not saying a word, again, you still had no idea what to say. You didn't even know yourself how you felt, you couldn't even register that his mother was truly gone. It was so sudden and it was so heartbreaking

You looked over at seonghwa glancing at him and you knew, he was still processing too. But you wanted him to know you were here, that you would wait for as long as he needed to grieve but you would always be by his side

You gently reached over and held his hand. His eyes slowly move as he looked at you and you spoke softly 

"I know you're hurting hwa, I know this is breaking you but just know I'm here. Just know that I will always be waiting for you with open arms if you need me"

His eyes got teary as he hugged you and he sobbed.

You knew you would always be waiting for him, even if it shattered your heart if you saw him with someone else...because you wanted him to be happy

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