26 ~ Goodbye

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two weeks was a short time to some people but for seonghwa it felt like forever since he didn't have his best friend by his side but he had bigger problems right now. He stared down at his phone screen with a calm expression but he was anything but calm...but he didn't know how to describe how he felt.

Seonghwa just kept staring at the picture of hongjoong and y/n sitting beside each other on a bench as they held hands.

He had just seen y/n and hongjoong only moments ago on the street right before he and yeonsoo had walked back to her apartment to watch a movie like they planned. He was just getting comfortable on the couch when he had decided to check his phone. That was when he saw the message which ended up with him staring at his phone trying to understand what emotions were currently overwhelming him.

Then he felt his heart constrict in pain as he suddenly figured out what emotions he felt as he stared at the photo...for some reason he felt angry and a little hurt, but mostly he was angry. He hated how close hongjoong was to y/n, then he couldn't help but think back to the day when the two suddenly left the cabin early and he thought about yunho had said

"I think hongjoong and y/n are dating"

Seonghwa remembered how he felt, his heart hurt just like it was now back then. He had got a message later from y/n herself that hongjoong had gotten sick so the two came back but seonghwa felt like he needed to hear it from her...that she didn't have feelings for hongjoong. So when he first came back to the city he had wanted to ask. He had even called y/n to come out to the park so he could ask what exactly was going on between her and hongjoong, but he never did, he never got the chance.

"oh they are very cute" seonghwa was brought away from his thought when he heard yeonsoo speak as she sat beside him as she joined him on the couch making sure to keep some distance. The two were uncomfortable around each other, yes they had been spending more time together, especially over the past two weeks but the two never did any real couple things. Seonghwa had wondered why the two never held hands anymore, why they never kissed again, but deep down he knew it was because for some reason it didn't feel right. 

"we should take a picture like that" she said with a slight blush but seonghwa went back to staring at the picture, an unsettling feeling in his chest grew and he found himself looking over a yeonsoo as her face was still bright red as she blushed

"come on it's not funny, help me down from this tree"

His heart fluttered while he remembered the first time he had really seen y/n blush, it was first year of high school when she said 'I'm the best at climbing' and then she couldn't get down. He had to help her down as everyone watched while her face was bright red, and he could help but think the way she blushed was adorable

"sorry that was lame" yeonsoo laughed as a small smile appeared on her face

"sorry that was lame, you can't blame me though. I didn't think skating would be this hard" 

Then seonghwas mind traveled to the time him and y/n went skating, he remembered how she laughed and smiled despite falling. Then eventually she clung to him tightly while they skated around. He even remember how he even fell on purpose sometimes just to hear her laugh and see her bright smile

"hey, hwa" yeonsoo waved her hand in front of seonghwas vision and he looked up at her, and she was perfect... She was pretty, she was kind, she was thoughtful, her laugh was nice, and her smile was calming.

The 'perfect ideal type', but...

"hey, hwa...well what do you think, you like the nickname. I know it's not very original but I will think of something more interesting later"

"no, I like it..."

He couldn't help but think about y/n again, he remembered how years ago, right when high school started she made the nickname. He loved it instantly, he wondered why he did though, it was not very creative or original like y/n had mentioned but for some reason he loved it.

But now, as yeonsoo sat in front of him as she said the very same nickname he finally understood why he loved it so much...because it was y/n who made it, it was y/n who said it.

Yeonsoo may have been perfect...but she wasn't perfect for seonghwa.

Yes she was kind and thoughtful but y/n would always place number one in his heart in that category, she was always there for him. Yes her laugh was nice, but nothing was as nice as when seonghwa heard y/n burst out laughing in joy, it was truly like music to his ears despite others probably thinking otherwise. He knew it was an acquired melody to love and he wished no one else would suddenly be pulled in by the sweet melody because he wanted to keep y/n to himself

Then her smile, yes yeonsoo's smile was calming...but again it didn't have the same affect that y/n's smile did. The way she smiled made seonghwa feel like sunshine had come to bless him personally as his heart warmed and he knew everything would be okay, that she was there for him

Why was he only realizing this now... his eyes then traveled back to the picture on his phone.

Oh...it's because she is smiling so brightly for someone else as they held hands so tightly, because he knew he had lost that smile that used to be just for him. A part of him was truly so selfish as he just wanted her to himself. Maybe these thoughts were all coming out at once because he hadn't really spent time with her in so long... but deep down he knew it was something else

"you love her, don't you" seonghwas head snapped up looking away from the phone and he saw yeonsoo smiling with a sad expression "yeah, the look in your eyes says it all"

Seonghwa sat there frozen, he felt his heart clench while he thought about yeonsoo's words. Oh, that was it... he loved y/n. Seonghwa looked at the yeonsoo with an apologetic look as suddenly everything hit him all at once. 

"you know I noticed you before, I saw a girl confessing to you and I also saw her, y/n. She was standing off the the side just waiting for you, then you rejected the girl and you went to her.  I remember as I looked at you a big genuine smile formed on your face while your eyes seemed to sparkle as soon as you looked at y/n" yeonsoo paused while she looked up at seonghwa

"I though...'he has to be in love' but when you started talking to me, and then we went on the date. I thought 'maybe I was wrong' but I was fooling myself. I saw the way you looked at her and I saw the way she always waited for you. You love her and I knew, I just thought maybe I could make you fall for me before you realized, it was kind of a terrible thing to do" yeonsoo chuckled sadly as seonghwa remembered y/n words

"Just know that I will always be waiting for you with open arms if you need me"

Y/n was always there, always waiting for him. He wondered, if maybe she would wait for him still, but that was such a selfish thought

"so, since I did such a terrible thing, I'll make up for it now. I'm breaking up with you...go to her seonghwa" yeonsoo looked at him with a smile but her eyes held a sadness in them.

Seonghwa took in a small breath as he spoke "I'm sorry" then he ran to the door putting on his shoes and coat quickly as he opened the door ready to take the bus back to his and y/n's shared apartment.

He just hoped she would be waiting for him, but before he left he looked back at yeonsoo as she simply stayed sitting on the couch

"thank you yeonsoo" seonghwa said as yeonsoo gave him one last small smile as she spoke 

"goodbye seonghwa"

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