16 ~ Sting

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Seonghwa sighed loudly as he had made his way to back to the cabin to see sans supposed 'surprise' but as he walked across the soft sand he couldn't help but think about the things he had blurted out as he talked to y/n

"are you two dating, or do you like him, do you like hongjoong" 

Seonghwa ended up asking that question without thinking properly but he had to know. For some reason he had to know why y/n easily wrapped her arm around hongjoongs shoulder the moment the two saw each other. 

He needed to know if y/n liked hongjoong

Seonghwa had to admit when y/n had said she didn't have feelings for hongjoong he felt relieved, he felt a weight being lifted off of his shoulder...no actually more like his heart. The heavy weight on his heart was lifted and he felt light, he almost thought it fluttered when he heard her reply. Then seonghwa groaned in embarrassment as he thought about the next thing he had said

"good, don't want you running off with him" 

He had no idea why he blurted out the words but he tried to convince himself that he was just looking out for his best friend, he just wanted to make sure that y/n was happy and hongjoong... he really didn't like hongjoong for some reason.

Yes, he was just helping his best friend, looking out for her.

Seonghwa sighed as his heartbeat seemed to speed up when he thought about y/n being with hongjoong once again...

His heart was beating so fast because he was exhausted...from all the walking earlier, that must be it because he liked yeonsoo.

Finally seonghwa arrived at the large party and he sighed again as he reached over and opened the front door. He entered the loud party and he began looking around for san since he wanted to quickly leave to get back to y/n. Soon he saw the male standing by the large couches in the living room, he walked through the crowded front area and tapped his shoulder

"this better be good san-" but he was cut off when san turned around and seonghwa could see the person san was talking to.

Yeonsoo smiled and waved at seonghwa but he was frozen

"her friends came here with her, apparently her friends parents live down the street from this beach" san stated while smiling up at seonghwa, it was painfully obvious he was proud he brought seonghwa back to see yeonsoo. Seonghwa should be overjoyed to see yeonsoo, but for some reason he just felt somewhat neutral about the situation. He blamed it on the fact he was tired and didn't even enjoy parties all that much

Yeonsoo was clearly talking but her soft spoken voice seemed to be drowned out by the loud speakers so close to them. So seonghwa held out his hand for her to take so they could go somewhere that was quieter to talk. Yeonsoo smiled and took seonghwas hand but... it felt cold despite the warmth radiating from both of their hands

He shook away the thought and began walking around to look for a place to talk, he had noticed a staircase and he decided it might be best to travel upstairs. Seonghwa walked up the steps still holding yeonsoo's hand and he found an empty hall just at the top of the stairs

"it's so nice to see you here" yeonsoo smiled and seonghwa returned the smile as yeonsoo looked at their hands, seonghwa was about to pull away until she gently squeezed his hand and he found himself staring at her in surprise

"I-I think I like you...maybe, m-maybe we could try dating like o-officially" seonghwa looked at her with wide eyes, but this was what he wanted...right, so soon he smiled.

"s-sure" he breathed out but then he was even more surprised when yeonsoo leaned up and kissed him, there was no sparks or anything...well the movies lied seonghwa thought.

But then he heard a flush and soon he pulled away when someone walked out of the bathroom. He saw the familiar bright red hair as hongjoong stared at the two. then seonghwa watched as hongjoongs eyes slowly drifted up and he looked past the two to the staircase.

Seonghwa slowly turned his head to see what he was looking at and then he saw her, y/n stood there looking at him with an unreadable expression but before seonghwa could try to determine what was wrong san broke the short silence

"so you two together" san asked happily 

Yeonsoo blushed from beside seonghwa, her hand still holding his "well yes, we agreed to start officially dating as a couple"

He looked over at y/n and he saw the brightest smile form on her face "seonghwa...I'm happy for you" she said and she sounded genuinely happy.

"yeah me too" san smiled out 

Seonghwa gave a soft smile to y/n, but then he watched as a frown formed on her face and he felt his heart constrict at the thought of what could have made her frown. However, soon she covered her eyes with her hand while she dramatically spoke

"b-but gross. I don't ever want to see you kissing someone again"

Seonghwa watched as y/n turned around and in a joking tone she spoke "I should go before I throw up. I'll wait for you back at the cabin" then she walked down the staircase, for some reason each step y/n took seonghwa felt his heart tighten like someone was squeezing it tightly...

For some reason seonghwa didn't quite believe the smile on y/n's face

Why did it seem off, he felt wrong just watching her leave so he was about to chase after her but then he noticed his hand was still held by yeonsoo.

Then he watches as a flash of red walked passed him and hongjoong ran down the stair case to chase after her, he hated how hongjoong was so quick to chase after y/n

"I'm so happy we are finally official" yeonsoo smiled cutting seonghwa away from his thoughts

"yeah, me too" so...why was his heart stinging.

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