Chapter 31: Cleaning the Courtyad

Start from the beginning

Lord Lin was stunned and instinctively looked at the emperor's face.

The man was petrified and carried down the ball that he didn't know when had jumped on his lap. There was no expression on his face. It didn't make much difference from the indifferent emperor in the past, but his face seemed worse?

Wei Jue looked at Lin Yi and said, "Since you already know what to do, why don't you get down to work?"

Lin Yi retreated in fear. His head was full of the cold and ruthless emperor who was obsessed with glossy hair and cleanliness but let the little princess plaster kisses all over his face???

LongQian palace was not only the residence of the emperor but also the best palace. Nowadays, the emperor didn't like going to the harem, and there was no extraordinary scenery in the harem anyway. It was better to count ants in the LongQian palace.

The Emperor didn't like colorful or overly lively scenery. Therefore, the architectural style was simple and generous. There were steps made up of white marble at the entrance of the hall and the little fat claws of the little dumpling were holding her chin to watch people come while getting bored.

A nameless person with his hunched body was sweeping the floor, the emperor agreed that they could continue to serve the little princess, but they were not allowed to come near to her.

The little princess was closely followed by the first-class palace maids, who were carefully trained and selected by the palace. The four of them should have been expelled from the palace after being punished for not protecting the princess. Now, the emperor, for the first time, has been lenient and asked them to do some menial work.

These Four people were used to holding their heads high and stepping on low ranked workers in the palace. They were not numb or calm in the situation.

Now nanny Wan went to Xiufang to ask for some cloth to make dolls for the princess. Qiao'er went to get food. Even Eunuch Lin took on work.

Only the nameless worker with the broom was going back and forth in the courtyard of the palace.

Even if it was a side hall, how could the emperor's bedroom be small? The Father and Emperor were being followed by a group of uncles to close the door and were murmuring in low voices. The little dumpling was bored and squatted in the yard for a long time.

Uncle nameless had been sweeping back and forth for a long time, but still he hadn't finished...

The little dumpling thought for a while, stood up and volunteered, "Uncle nameless, I'll help you!"

The little dumpling rolled up her long sleeves. The small palace dress had an elegant design. The sleeves were trumpet-shaped sleeves. The soft brocade hung down beside the wrist, which was a bit in the way.

The little dumpling missed the wide white dress she had worn before. She had picked it up from other people's clothes. It was very easy to wear after washing. Especially in summer, it was cool and convenient to move around in.

After the excitement, in the beginning, the little dumpling didn't think it was practical.

After the sleeves were rolled up, she still remembered to ask the palace maids to help her tie them down with a ribbon. Although the maid didn't understand her meaning, she still did what the little princess wanted. After everything was ready, she picked up another broom on the edge.

The broom for sweeping the yard was very big. The handle of the broom is about half the height of an adult. It was two times taller than the little dumpling.

The Little dumpling clumsily grasped the big broom with both hands and dragged the broom to sweep the leaves behind the nameless palace worker.

The palace maid, Xiao Hua, understood what was going on but was too shocked to stop her. If the emperor saw this and asked the three-year-old princess to work instead, would he not send all the servants of the palace to go back and not to work? It was still a light punishment according to the ways of the emperor, there must be no wastage of manpower in the palace after all...

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