{14}. August

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I wake up to my alarm going off signaling it's time to wake up. I look around and ruby is nowhere to be found I quickly stop the alarm and hop out of bed I walk to the kitchen and Ruby's standing at the stove making breakfast. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist laying my chin in the crook of her neck.

"Good morning" I say and I feel her smile "good morning" she says back "do you have to work today" I ask she shakes her head and I look confused "then why are you up making breakfast Cass doesn't even have school" she turns around in my arms and looks up at me "because you have work and I don't want you going hungry" she says leaning up to kiss my cheek I turn quickly so our lips meet instead "you don't have to do that" I say as we pull away.

"Baby I'm taking care of you let me" she says laying her hand on my cheek caressing it with her thumb. I nod and she turns back around and finishes the pancakes I let go of her to grab a plate and ruby smiles up at me and puts all the food on my plate and then makes one for herself. We walk over to the couch and sit down and I chow down on the best breakfast ever. As soon as I finish ruby snatches the plate out of my hand and before I can protest She's in the kitchen. I sigh and decide to go get ready.

I walk in our room pulling a pair of socks on along with a pair of jeans and one of my t-shirts this time. I walk out of the room and Ruby's sitting on the couch so I walk across the hall into Cass's room I quietly open the door and she's peacefully asleep I walk over to her and kiss her head "mommy loves you I'll be back later monkey" I smile down at her and quietly leave the room. I walk over to the couch that ruby is sitting on flipping through the tv channels.

I sit down beside of her and pull her into my side and she immediately cuddles up to me "I'll be back later okay baby" I smile down at her "okay we will be here, we might come see you later if that's okay" she asks looking up at me hopefully "of course that's okay" I lean down and peck her lips then stand up to pull my boots on and put my jacket on and with one last look at Ruby's beautiful face I'm out the door.

I arrive at the station as Emma paces the floors. "Emma what's wrong" I ask throwing my jacket on my desk. Emma stops pacing and looks right at me "guess who came around and confessed" she says throwing up her hands then resting them on her temples "regina" I ask curiously with shock written on my face "no of course not. Sydney glass" She reply's obviously pissed "what the hell" I say dumbfounded "yeah, he's in love with her or something" she says barely above a whisper.

"I mean I don't blame him she's kind of hot" I reply and Emma looks at me like I just killed someone "she's a sociopath" I shrug my shoulder "sociopaths can be hot" she turns and looks at me her mouth agape. "Your delusional, what would Ruby say" she asks I look at her stupidly "Emma, Ruby is my soulmate she knows she's the most beautiful woman in my eyes and I would never leave her" I say In a serious tone "damn you really do got it bad" she straightens up I nod smiling.

"I also may have told Regina I'm taking Henry from her" Emma says looking down I look up at her in shock "woah are you ready for that" I ask leaning back on my desk "yeah I am" I smile at her "good he deserves the world and your the only one that can give it to him" she looks at me confused and I continue "I just mean we both know what it feels like to not be with the people that brought you life. Wondering how messed up you had to be as a baby for someone to leave you, your the only one that can give him that closure that he's worth something" I say looking down and Emma walks over to me pulling me in a hug "our parents are pretty fucked up to leave us, because frankly we're amazing" she whispers in my hair and I giggle at the last part wrapping my arms around her waist. After a few minutes she pulls away and smiles at me and I smile back at her "wanna go check on Mary Margret with me" she asks nodding her head towards the exit. I nod and we walk out the door hopping in her bug driving to the loft.

//Another Story// book 1Where stories live. Discover now