{7}.Mary Margret

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It's been a few days since my time at Ruby's and apparently a lot has been going on Mary Margret has been with a married man who's soon going to tell his wife. we had to find and return items to the town's most powerful man and Henry and Cass lost their book they're really torn up over it. I really need to pay more attention to Emma and Mary Margret.

Me and Emma have been at the station for a while so we get ready to go to granny's we get to the door and I hear a motorcycle pull up behind us so Emma turns around of course "are you gonna come in" I hear her say as I turn around "I thought you wanted that drink" says says again and then I hear the door on granny's open and I turn around and am faced with Ruby she comes up beside of me and grabs my hand "hey baby" I smile to her and she returns that smile and the hey by squeezing my hand.

"I do, but I didn't say here, hop on" the dude says who's name I have learned is august

"You want me to get on the back of that bike?" Emma asks in disbelief. "That's what hop on means" he replies, and I chuckle "how about if we go somewhere I drive" she says back to him I mean it's like a fighting match these two could so not make it as a couple they both fight for way too much dominance but maybe Emma needs someone who doesn't mind her witty remarks.

"How about you stop having to control everything and take a leap of faith you owe me a drink. Hop on. I know a good watering hole." I straight up burst out laughing and Emma looks back at me with a scolding look "oooo, he got you there Emma" I keep laughing but Ruby hits me in the side getting me to stop she looks at me and smiles and presses a kiss to my cheek.

Then granny speaks up "if you don't I will" I then completely lose it holding my stomach from laughing so hard, but Emma reluctantly gets on the bike, and they sped off. "Oh, granny that was good" I look over at her and she's smiling at me.

Me and Ruby walk in the diner "so what can I get you baby" she says as she walks behind the counter, and I sit on the stool at the counter. "Umm, the usual please and thank you" I smile at her, and she walks to the back smiling at me. "Hey, did you hear what was happening to Mary Margret" I look up as my girlfriend walks back with my grilled cheese "no what's going on" I ask slightly confused.

"Everyone around town is talking about her and David" I look at her wide eyes "shit, I have to go" I say going to grab my jacket "wait, eat first I know if you don't know you won't for the rest of the day so please eat" she says looking at me begging I nod my head "thank you for caring so much about me" I look down at my grilled cheese picking it up.

"You never have to thank me; I will always care about you." She smiles at me "now who's taking Cass her lunch" Ruby asks "could you today I would but I really need to check on Mary Margret I means she's letting me and Cass live there free of charge, I should really try and help" she nods "it's okay baby I've got it today, and you know" she says running her hand up and down my arm "you and Cass can always move in with me" I look up at her wide eyes trying to swallow the grilled cheese down my throat.

"I mean, are you sure it's not too fast" I ask holding my breath setting the beautifully made grilled cheese down on the plate "lives too short I don't want to wait" I smile at her and lean over the counter to catch her in a chaste kiss.

I quickly finish my grilled cheese and say goodbye to Ruby and rush out the door to find Mary Margret.

I look across the street and speak of the devil. She's standing there at her car arguing with David until David walks away. I rush over to her "hey Mary Margret" she looks up at me tears streaming down her face then I look at her car Tramp painted on the side of it.

"Come on let's go home" I say, and I wrap and arm around her shoulders as we walk the street back to the apartment.

As soon as we arrive home Mary Margret goes and lays in her bed. I've been giving her space it's been 3 hours and she has not moved.

Emma finally arrives home after another hour "Emma she hasn't moved for four hours I'm worried" Emma looks at me then to the bed Mary Margret lays in and nods. Emma walks over to her, and my phone vibrates in my pocket. 'I've got Cass tonight do what you have to do baby, if everything turns out okay and you don't think you have to stay come home' I read on my dimly lit phone screen from Ruby I smile and reply back 'thanks for taking her tonight baby, if I feel like I can come home I will don't wait up just in case' I send and shove my phone back in my pocket and walk over to Emma and Mary Margret.

"Wanna talk about it" Emma ask "nope" she replies quietly with what sounds like is she's been crying. "You want to be alone" I ask this time "nope" she reply's me and Emma look at each other and we both lay down on the cramped bed.

I kind of hope Henry and Cass are right about Emma being my twin. I've always wanted a connection with someone like that since I've never had family it would be nice to have more than Ruby and Cass. Even Mary Margret being my mom. I've never had a mom so that would be a nice difference.

I really miss Ruby and my kid but it's best I stay with Emma and Mary Margret right now.

A wake up to soft snores I look over at Emma wide awake looking at the ceiling. "Hey" I say rolling over to face her, her still laying on her back "hey" she says looking at me "what are you thinking about" I ask she slightly chuckles "Henry's book" she says pulling her hand to land on her eyes rubbing them.

"Do you want it to be true as much as I do" I ask not looking at her afraid of her reaction "honestly yes, I'd love to have a twin" I look at her and smile "and parents" she says her smile turns to a frown looking over at Mary Margret.

"I know what you mean, ever since I was little all I wanted was a family" she smiles at me " well even if this isn't true then I still count you as my twin" I smile at her and take her hand that's on her stomach and intertwine our fingers holding it to our side the room is silent for a while "hey Emma, I miss Ruby and Cass, should I stay with you guys" I ask slightly worried "no of course not go be with them I'm sure they miss you, I love you sis" she smiles at me and squeezes my hand before releasing it "I love you too sis" I smile brightly at her and get up grabbing my shoes and jacket. I walk out closing the door behind me then outside getting in my Jeep to drive to Ruby's apartment.

It's around 12 in the morning so I'm guessing she's still asleep. I walk upstairs unlocking her room with the spare key that's in her mailbox. I place the key back where it goes, and I quietly walk in closing the door behind me shedding my jacket and boots. I tip toe to Ruby's room quietly opening the door Ruby is sitting up in bed still awake with a tub of ice cream and the tv turned on.

"Hey baby" Ruby says not even looking up from her ice cream. "Hey" I say opening the door all the way and walking in shedding my jeans and shirt which just leaves me in my boxers and sports bra. I get in bed beside of Ruby she smiles at me leaning in for a kiss once I'm under the covers. "How's Cass" I ask leaning back in the pillows "she's okay she missed you but she's okay" she smiled at me, and I nod still in thought. Ruby reached for the remote turning the tv off and setting the ice cream on the bedside table.

She turns to me and takes my hand "baby what's wrong" I look up at her she's concerned I feel a single tear stream down my face "oh baby" she says running her thumb across my knuckles using the other hand to wipe my tears.

"What if everything Cass and Henry are saying is true, and my parents-" I say my breath getting caught in the back of my throat. "For your sake I so hope all of its true, I know how much finding your parents mean to you" she smiles at me stroking my face.

"My whole life I thought I wasn't good enough or they just took one look at me and decided I wasn't what they wanted, but if their story is true, they wanted me" I say silently sobbing Ruby just pulls me in for a hug.

After my tears dry and I calm down a little bit Ruby lays down and I situate down on her chest holding onto her for dear life. "Thank you, Rubes," I say taking in her sent she smells like the breeze in the woods mixed with lavender, my favorite smell and at that I drift off to sleep.

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