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Today is the day for Mary Margrets trial does officers are coming to pick her up. Emma walks up to the cell opening it giving Mary Margret a sympathetic look she smiles at the both of us never taking her eyes off of us as they put the cuffs on her hands. A tear fell from her face as they took her away. Emma turned around in a rage "you told me you could fix this that's why we came to you, so that you could make sure Regina didn't win" Emma walks up to gold "she hasn't yet" she says simply " well she's going to" I say raging standing closer to gold "and now our friend is gonna pay for us trusting you" Emma's whole body clenches "look sheriff deputy I know this is emotional, but it's also not over. You must have faith there is still time" he grins at us "time for what" I spat "time for me to work a little magic" he looks at us both and walks out.

I can see the fumes coming off Emma as she walks into her office she picks up a flower pot filled with flowers and slings it against the filing cabinets. "Emma hey" I say stepping into her office taking her arm and she spins around to look at me tears in her eyes. I open my arms and she walks into them hugging me as she cry's into my shoulder. I look down at the mess and notice something out of place. I softly pull back letting go of the hug and Emma looks at me confused as I reach down picking up a planted bug crushed. "Shit" I say standing up showing Emma and she looks at me in shock we both look at each other in realization "Sydney" we say at the same time.

"I may have to go apologize to someone" she says with a guilty face and I laugh. "You think" I say and she rolls her eyes at me "want to drive me to the diner" she asks hopefully and I smile and nod going to grab the keys off my desk and we walk to my Jeep together.

As soon as we arrive at the diner low and behold August is walking out Emma hurriedly gets out the the car to stop him. I let them have a moment together until I hear a high pitched scream and I jump out of the car following Emma and August down the ally behind granny's.

Ruby's gripping the wall with a traumatized face and she looks up meet my eyes. "Ruby" I whisper as I run to her pulling her in a hug "what happened Ruby" Emma asks as Ruby let's go of me gripping my hand "she's- she's in the ally" she stutters and Emma looks at me worried I nod at her and she and August runs down the path. I drag Ruby down the path following Emma and August. A body that looks dirty and looks like it's been drug through the sewer lays in the middle of the parking lot. Emma walks closer and the girl lifts her head "Kathryn" Emma whispers.


Me and Emma walk into the hospital straight to Kathryns room. Since after we found her we called an ambulance and they brought her straight here and we followed as soon as Emma got a statement from Ruby and I made sure she was okay. Dr.whale was standing at her bedside "Emma, Tessa. Come on in look whose awake" he smiles at us and we walk over to Kathryn "Kathryn hi. Listen I don't want to take a lot of your time, but do you remember what happened" Emma asked nicely with a smile "I don't know much. Um, I was in a car accident, and I remember the airbag going off. And the next thing I knew I was in the dark in some basement. I didn't see anyone. There was food and water and then I guess I was drugged." She looks at whale at the last part "yeah. We're still trying to flush that out of your system." He says softly "then I woke up in a field at the edge of town, and I started walking. That was it." She finished looking back at Emma "you saw no one didn't hear a voice, or smell perfume? Cologne? Anything?" Emma asks hopeful "nothing. No. I'm sorry. I wish I could help, especially since while I was gone you thought I was dead?" She asks barely saying the last part.

"Your DNA matched the heart we found" I say quietly to her. "They're grilling everybody down at the hospital lab to see who doctored the DNA results." Dr.whale speaks looking to us then Kathryn. "Why would anyone do this?" She looks to whale then Emma and Emma glances at me and I smile at her and she turns back to Kathryn "I think someone was trying to frame Mary Margret." Emma deadpans "but why? Who would do something like that?" She asks. Emma looks to me and then Dr. whale.

//Another Story// book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant