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It's been a year since the kidnapping. Marley is okay again. She's 9 now and doing so well. Especially in school. She's so smart. The twins are over a year now, almost 2. I'm sad they're growing up so fast but happy that they still have the chance to.

Scott and I are so grateful we are able to spend our lives with our beautiful children. So much has happened that could've stopped that from happening, or vise-versa.

We also set up a little grave for Samantha out back. We finally told Marley and she started setting it up the next day. She didn't mind that she may not have been born if Sam was. She's just glad we told her so she knew.

Family isn't the most important thing in the world that matters. It's the only thing. For you to be able to find someone that loves you more than anything and wants to share bringing new lives into this world with you is so amazing. It's so special and beautiful. The most amazing thing you can do is father or mother a child. It's the best job in the world to be a parent. I couldn't think of anything better than this. I couldn't be happier than I am right now.

Yours TrulyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt