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I'm 7 months along now. My belly is big, and that's an understatement. But I couldn't be more excited for these babies. I'm still worried of course, about the birth. They're bascially reopening the previous scar so there could be more blood, they have to keep me open longer to get both babies out, and I'm so worried something will go terribly wrong.

"Mitchy. Are you ready to find out the gender of the babies?" Scott asked as we walked into the hospital.

"I'm more than ready Scotty." He grabbed my hand as we walked to the ultrasound room.

"Hello boys. How are we doing today?"

"We are very excited." Scott informed the doctor.

"Oh yeah? Well I would be too. You wanted to find out the genders today also right?"

I nodded, "Yes. We definitely would."

"So, do you have the nursery set up?" She asked, putting the icky cold stuff on my belly.

"We set it up when he was 2 months along. We were, are, very excited."

"Oh I bet. Alright, let's see these babies." She put the wand on my belly and moved it around until she got the perfect shot, "There they are."

"Look Mitchy." Scott said before kissing my forehead.

"They're beautiful."

"Seems to me that you boys have a boy, and then a girl." She pointed to the baby on the left, "This is the boy and the other is the girl, obviously. Congratulations boys."
"A boy and a girl, Mitch."

"We got lucky. I was worried we'd have two boys."

"Oh my god. Could you imagine?"

"I know. Poor Marley."

"So. Names now?"

"Mmmmm. Later. I have to give it a lot of thought."
I sat in the bathtub. Bubbles surrounding me. My belly sticking out from the warm water. I thought about how all those years ago, I sat almost just like this. Pregnant with my first child. Except she was taken from me before her birth. The devastation of having my baby die inside me. I never knew her, but I loved her. I still do. Even though I never met her, I'm still her father. I even had a name picked out for her. I never told Scott because I wanted to wait. Her name was gonna be Samantha Rose. That's why I wanted Marley's middle name to be Rose like Samantha's was gonna be. In honor of her sister she never knew. Marley doesn't know that she had a sister. I don't wanna tell her because then she could feel like if Sam had made it, maybe she wouldn't be here. And honestly, she probably wouldn't.

"Mitch. Are you almost done?"

"Yeah. I'm washing up quick."

Scott peeked through the door, "Dinner is ready. Marley wants ice cream and she also wants to watch a movie with her amazing dads."

"She said that?"

"It was suck up move. But yes."

"How sweet."

"Of course. Need help?" He asked when he noticed me struggling to get out.

"Yes. I don't wanna fall."

He came over to me and grabbed a towel before helping me out. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up, wrapped the towel around me and started to dry my hair with another one.

"Why don't you dye your hair pink again? Like how it was when we met?"

"You don't like it purple?"

"I love it no matter the color hun. But I liked it pink."

"After the babies are born, I will totally dye my hair pink again. I kinda miss it too."

"You'll look beautiful either way."

"Thanks love." I kissed him quickly before walking to the bedroom.


"Baby name time?" I asked Mitch when I saw him on the bed with baby books sprawled out.

"Yes. So you're gonna name the boy. I will name the girl."

"Oh yeah. Sounds great." I grabbed a book off the bed and laid down next to Mitch. I set my head on his lap and he started to run his fingers through my hair.

"What about Lucy?"

"Mmmmmm no. Too schoolgirl. What about Justin?"

"No. Absolutely not. Too jock."


"Oh Scott. I have the perfect name."

"Me too."

"You first."

"Ashton Ryan."

"Mmmmmm. Ashton Ryan Hoying. Loves it. Good job."

"Thank you. Your turn."

"Jocelyn Ivory."

"What a beautiful name Mitch. I love it. Good job." I leaned forward and kissed him before we heard a little knock on our door, "Yes?"

Marley slowly opened the door and peeked in, "Daddy's. I can't sleep."

"Come here sweetie." Mitch held his arms out to her and she climbed up on the bed and crawled over to us. He brought her in for a long hug and then laid her down between us.

"I love you Marley." I whispered to her, "And I love you Mitchy." I kissed him before he closed his eyes and they both were asleep.

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