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~Three months later~


I woke up to Mitch jumping out of bed. I looked over at the clock. It was 5 a.m.

"Mitch? Are you okay hun?" I asked, making my way to the bathroom.

"No!" He slammed the door shut in my face. I knocked lightly.

"Come on hun. It's okay."

The door slowly opened, "Sorry. I don't want you to see me like this."

"Babe. I'm your husband."

"I know. But I don't like anyone to see me throw up."

"I know love." I pulled him in for hug. He started to cry on my shoulder.

"Daddy?" I turned around, letting go of Mitch, to see Marley standing in the hallway.

"Daddy is okay. Just sick lovebug." Mitch kneeled down in front of Marley and hugged her.

"Go back to bed honey." I said, leading Marley to her room. I tucked her in again and made my way back to bed with Mitch.
"How long have you been throwing up unexpectedly?" A doctor asked Mitch.

"A week maybe. It's not that I'm sick though. I'm only throwing up in the morning and then I'm fine."

"Do you think you're pregnant maybe?"

"Pregnant? Well. Maybe."

"Wanna find out?" She asked.

"Yes. I do."

They got Mitch set up and were giving him an ultrasound, "You ready?" The doctor asked.

"I am." I held Mitch's hand as the doctor put the wand to his stomach.

"I think you're pregnant Mitchy." I stated when I saw white in the black on the screen.

"Uh, there seems to be more." The doctor said.

"More what?" Mitch asked.

"Than one. Look." She pointed to the screen. There seemed to be a lot more white than expected, "I'm gonna turn on the heart beat."

She clicked on a button, and I heard a heartbeat. And then another with it, "Why are there two?" I asked.

"You guys are having twins. Congrats boys." She wiped off Mitch's belly and handed us our photo.
"Twins." I said in the car.

"Twins Scott. Oh my god."

"Exactly. That's three kids."

"I know. It's crazy."

"I am excited though."

"Oh me too. Just more scared now than before."

"Why hun?" I asked, grabbing his hand.

"I don't know. It'll be harder. My belly will be bigger. I'll have to get two babies pulled out of me. That's a big one."

"Why? At least you don't have to push them out of you."

"I know. But it scares me to death because then something could go very wrong. They'd have to keep me open longer. Pull more out of me."

"You're worrying me now."

"Good. Worry, because something could go seriously wrong."

"Like what?"

"I bleed out on that table and die."


"It could happen Scott. Don't be that husband that refuses to think that I could die. It can absolutely happen. It might. Who knows?" I watched Mitch as he leaned his head against the window. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I'm worried now more than ever. I can't lose Mitch. I can't.

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