Better? No

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"Scott." I felt someone shaking me, "Scotty." They sniffled and then coughed, "Please. Wake up Scotty."

I came to realization that it was Mitch and I woke up. I looked at him. It was dark so I turned on the lamp next to me.

"Mitch. What's wrong?" He looked awful. He had huge, dark bags under his red and puffy eyes. His face was so pale, he looked like a ghost. I noticed his frail body shaking as he sat here, looking at me.

"I don't feel good Scotty."

"Oh honey." I pulled him into my arms and kissed the top of his head. He was so hot and sweaty, "Lay down. I'm gonna get the thermometer." I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. I came back and crawled up to him, "Open up. Put it under your tongue."

I pulled the thermometer out of his mouth when it beeped, "What is it?" He asked.

"103. What's wrong? Like, how are you sick?"

"I'm throwing up. I'm all stuffed up and I have mucus in my throat. I-I cough like a dog and I c-can't sleep Scotty."

"Oh hun. Alright. I'm not sure what to do. I'm gonna give you some Tylenol and you need NyQuil so you can sleep."

"No Scott."

"You have to sleep Mitch. It's very important for you to be healthy with these babies."


"I'm gonna go uptown quick and get you some medicine okay?"

"Okay." He laid back down and I covered him up with a sheet. I got up and got clothes on.

"Marley. Honey wake up."

"What dad?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It's breakfast time hun. Wanna go with me to the store to get some food?"

"Yeah I do. Can we get chocolate milk dad?"

"Of course sweetheart." I picked her up and got her dressed then went out the door.
"Here Mitch. Take this and lay down."

"Thank you." I handed him a cup full of NyQuil and he drank it. I kissed his forehead as he laid back down.

"Is daddy okay?" Marley asked when I sat down at the table.

"Daddy is just sick. He needs a lot of rest so the babies are okay."

"I hope daddy gets better."

"Me too honey. Me too."

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