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"We still haven't found her."

"She could be anywhere. It's starting to get dark."

"I know sir, but there's nothing we can do. She isn't in this mall."

"Are you sure? Did you check the bathrooms?"

"We checked every inch of this mall. She isn't here."

"Well thanks anyway."

"I'm sorry." I walked away from the police. Those bastards say they can't find our daughter. She's only a little girl.

"I don't know what to do Mitch. Our little girl is out there somewhere."

"Flyers for a start. Call out friends and have them search."

"Alright. Let's go home, get the babies, and then I'll make some calls while you make flyers. We'll hang those tomorrow."



"How's this Scott?" I called to him from our bedroom.

"It looks good. Should we put a reward?"

"Should we have to? She's a little girl. If they will only return her for a reward then they're clearly not nice people."

"Okay. It was just a thought."

"I'm sorry hun. It's just, we shouldn't have to pay someone to get our kid back."

"No. I know. I never thought I'd have to put up flyers to find my daughter." A tear slid down his cheek and I leaned over to kiss it.

"It'll be okay. We'll find her. She'll come home and be safe. This will never, ever happen again."

"I hope it'll be okay."

"It will. Look at me." I grabbed his chin and turned his head towards mine, "I love you. We will find our baby."

"I love you too." I kissed him quickly and he got up to take care of the twins.
"No I think it'll be okay mom. Thanks. Yeah, I'll call you if there's any news. Bye." Scott hung up the phone and sat down next to me.

"She okay?"

"I think she was more worried if we were okay. And Marley."

"Yeah. You're right."

"I think we should go hang up the flyers now. Wanna call Kirstie and ask her if she'd help?"

"I'll get on it." I jumped off the couch and grabbed my phone, dialing Kirstie's number.


"Hey Kirst. Could I ask you a favor?"

"Sure honey. What is it?"

"Can you help me put up some flyers around town?"

"Sure. What're they for?"

"Marley. She's missing."

"What?! Missing?!"

"We were at the mall yesterday and she got lost somehow."

"I'm on my way." She hung up the phone and I fell back onto the couch, letting out a deep sigh. I don't know what I'll do if we don't find her.

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