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I stood in the nursery looking at my beautiful twins. Jocelyn and Ashton were asleep after I fed them. We brought them home a few days ago and it's been great. Marley has been great with them too. She's so happy she has siblings now.

"Mitch. Wanna bath honey?" I crawled next to Mitch in bed.

"Mmmmm." He rolled over away from me and pulled the blanket up over his head.

"Don't do that Mitch. You're already hot enough."

"I'm cold Scott."

"But you're drenched in sweat." I pulled the blanket off of his head.

"I'm cold!" He ripped it away from me and covered his head again, "I don't wanna bathe right now. I'm exhausted."

"Okay. Let me know when you do."

He never did. He slept till the next day and I woke up at 3 am to find him laying in the tub full of bubbles. He had his eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling.

"Mitchy? You okay?" I leaned against the door frame, looking at him.

He didn't turn his head towards me. He just shook his head back and forth. I let out a sob as a tear slid down my cheek. I slid down the door frame and put my head in my shaking hands. I cried and cried until I had nothing left.

I got up and helped Mitch out of the tub. He was like a zombie. He didn't say one word to me at all and he barely could move on his own. I'm worried so much about him. He's missing the twins life. It's devastating.

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