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A/N: This is the second to last chapter btw. Enjoy!

After we got the twins back home from daycare, we set them down in bed and they fell asleep quick.

"Kirstie is on her way over, Mitch." Scott told me as I walked out of the nursery.

"Good. What are we supposed to do while the cops go in his house?"

"They called me just now and want us at the station at 9. We're going with and helping."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. They think we made need to negotiate with him. He probably won't just hand her over."

"They're right. Okay. I'll get ready."

"Good. It's 8:30. 15 minutes and we're gone."
We got to the station and I immediately felt nervous. There were cops all over getting on bullet proof vests, their belts and badges, filling their guns.

We drove to the house Marvin lived in. It was a small, worn down house. He lived on a rather depressing road where it seemed no life existed. The cops snuck around back, Scott and I following. They knocked the door down, it breaking and falling to the ground.

They all ran inside, Scott and I standing back waiting for orders on where to go. I grabbed Scott's warm hand and squeezed it when I heard loud gun shots. He looked down to me and a tear rolled down my cheek. He quickly wiped it off before I heard little footsteps coming toward us.

I looked forward to see my little girl, dirty and scared, running towards us. She was crying hysterically, almost tripping over her feet. I bent down and she ran into my arms, sobbing into my chest, "It's okay baby girl. It's all over now. You're safe." I whispered into her damp hair.

She didn't stop crying. She kept going even when the officers walked up to us, "He's dead. He had a gun and was pointing it at us when we came in. You're all safe."

Yours TrulyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant