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I've been sick for 2 weeks now. I only feel worse. I'm so worried for the babies. I'm worried that I'm killing them. And that'll kill me.

"Mitch. How're you feeling today?" Scott asked me when he came in the room with my breakfast. He isn't allowing me to get up anymore.

"I'd be better if I could get up out of bed. Keeping me here isn't gonna help anything."

"I meant with your sickness Mitch."

"Not. Any. Better. Let me get out of bed. Please."

"I just want these babies to be nice and healthy Mitch. You have to sacrifice things for the kids honey. I know you hate it and you hate being sick, but there's nothing else to do."

"I know. You're right."

"I know I am." He giggled and kissed my cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too."
I woke up with a shooting pain in my head and stomach. I felt underneath me. No blood. But this was a familiar pain.

"Scott! Scotty wake up!" I screamed at him between sobs.

"Mitch? What's wrong?" He looked down at my hand holding my belly and I knew what he was thinking.

"I'm not having a miscarriage Scott."

"What then?"

"Birth. I'm in l-labor."

"I'll call an ambulance. Stay. Here. I mean it."

"Okay. I will." He jumped out of bed and went out of the room.
"Mitch. We're gonna need to give you this numbing medicine, okay?"

I nodded and they stuck an IV in my right arm, "Marley is out there with Kirstie. She'll be okay." Scott said as he came back in the room.

"I'm so scared Scott." He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it.

"I know Mitchy. It's gonna be okay."

"I don't wanna do it Scott. I'm scared." I started to panic. I felt hot as the numbness started.

"Mitch. It's okay."

"No! Scott. I'm scared." I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Calm him down or we'll have to knock him out."

"Scott no. Don't let them put me out. Please jus-I'll calm down." My heart was racing and I was scared out of my mind. Scott held my hand as I started to feel dizzy.

A tear slid down Scott's cheek when I heard a cry. A baby crying, "We have one almost out Mitch! It's a, it's a boy!"

"There's Ashton Mitch. He's beautiful." Another tear slid down his cheek. I looked over and saw them placing Ashton in a little tub and they started to clean him off.

"Now for the girl Mitch." I looked back over to Scott. My eye sight was blurry as tears slid down my face, "Here she is."

"And Jocelyn Mitchy. She's amazing."

I heard crying again as they washed off Jocelyn, "Scott. They're beautiful."

"They are beautiful. You did good Mitchy. You did good."

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