New Home

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We're moving. Marley is 7 and we want another baby. A bigger place is definitely happening.

"What about this one?" Mitch asked. It was a nice apartment. 3 rooms. 1 bathroom. A very small living room and kitchen.

"No. It's too small."

"I know. Next one." We got back in the car and drove to the next place.

It wasn't too bad actually. The only thing was the walls. They were the nastiest color ever, "One problem Mitch."

"What's that?"

"The walls are so ugly."

"New paint job and call it good?"

"I wanna walk around a bit more." Mitch stayed in the living room while I walked around. The master bedroom was big, and the walls were ugly of course. It seemed that all the walls were absolutely hideous. Two bathrooms. 3 rooms. A nice sized kitchen. "I think it's perfect." I said to Mitch in the living room.

"Me too. The view is nice."

"Right over the streets. Yay." He jokingly slapped me and laughed as I shoved him gently.
"Hey Marley!" I screamed for her as Mitch and I sat on the couch.

"Yes dad?" She came out of her room and sat between us, "What's going on?"

"Nothing bad honey." Mitch told her.


"Marley. As you know, our apartment is quite small." I started.

"I know."

"So daddy and I looked at a new one today."

"Are we moving?" She asked with excitement.

"Yes, honey, we are. We paid for it today and we're packing this week, moving next."

"Awesome!" She jumped up and ran back to her room.

"I think she's excited." Mitch said, sarcastically.

"Are you?" I asked him.

"Uh yes. Quite excited."

"Me too."

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