The Mall

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We were going to the mall today to get more clothes for Mitch. He hasn't been able to update his wardrobe and it makes him very upset.

"This store Mitchy?" I asked him as we walked hand-in-hand with Marley holding Mitch's hand. She's been having separation issues with him lately. I understand why of course.

"Yes. I'll be quick." I scoffed and he gave me a stern look that turned into a smile.

"Okay honey. But Marley here has to decide on lunch still, right?"

"Right dad." She looked over at me and smiled wide.
"Next store now." Mitch stated as I grabbed Marley's hand to pull her away from the make-up section.

"You don't need make-up Marley. You're too young and beautiful just as you are."

"Thanks dad." She gave me the biggest smile and we followed Mitch.

"What about this sweater?" Mitch asked me.

"I love it. Go try it on to make sure you actually like it." He chuckled at me and proceeded to the fitting rooms.

I looked down and didn't see Marley. I looked around me to see if she had found something to look at. I went over by the make-up and didn't see her. I went over to the fitting rooms to see if she had went to Mitch. She wasn't there. I started to panic so I called for Mitch, "Mitch. Where are you?" A fitting room door opened to reveal Mitch and he gave me a confused face.

"What? Do you not like this sweater?"

"No babe. I love it, especially on you."

"Oh good. I love it. Where's Marley?"

"Marley? Oh well that's why I came over here."


"No. I just can't find her. It'll be okay but pay for your stuff and let's go."

"Okay I'll be fast."


I was trying to take off the sweater but I was so nervous and scared so I was having a hard time. I'm scared that my little girl may not be found only because we took our eyes off her for a second or she ran off to look at something quick. There are some pretty sick people in this world that could've probably been looking for a little girl to kidnap and take back to their house.

"Okay Scott. I paid and now we have to find our kid."

"Mitch I'm sorry. Our kid could've got kidnapped because I wasn't paying attention."

"It's not your fault Scotty. She probably went to look at something and is looking for us right now. It's okay." I gave him a quick kiss and we decided to ask the security if they had seen Marley.

"We haven't seen her but we'll look right away. What does she look like?" Scott pulled out a photo of her from his wallet and handed it to the officer.

"Please find her." A tear slid down my cheek as the officer took in what Marley looked like.

"We'll find your kid guys. Don't worry." He patted us both on the shoulder.

"We'll find her Mitchy." Scott put his arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"I hope so." I looked up at him and he smiled at me. I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him.

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