Setting Up

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"I'll paint the room while you make lunch, okay?" Scott said as I turned on the stove.

"Okay love." He went into the nursery and Marley skipped over to me.

"Hi daddy." She said in an excited tone.

"Hi baby." I said, looking down at her.

"When will the babies start kicking?"

"I'm not sure. But I'll let ya know when they do and you can feel it, okay?"

"Okay daddy. I can't wait to have baby siblings. They're gonna be so cute."

"You're so right."
"Hi Alex. Hi Jake." I gave each of them a hug before letting them in.

"Hi Mitch. And babies." Alex said, leaning down in front of my belly. It wasn't all that big considering I was only 2 months along, but I knew it'd get big soon since there's two.

"How's the baby doing?" Jake asked.

"How are the babies doing?" Alex asked, and corrected Jake.

"Oh right. Sorry. Twins."

"No it's okay. They're doing fine as far as I know. I'm still worried about the future of the pregnancy but I don't wanna worry too much."

"Mitch! Nursery is done!" Scott screamed from the nursery. I walked to him with Alex and Jake following behind.

"Oh Scott. It's beautiful." I said, looking around the room. The wall was painted a light creamy color and there were two cribs. One on each side of the room.

"And when we know the genders and we name them, we're gonna put their names above their cribs."

"Oh I love this quote over here." Alex said, pointing to a quote next to the closet, "It's so cute guys." The quote read, 'Two Miracles instead of one... Two Special lives have just begun.'

"Good job Scotty. Well done." I gave him a kiss when he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You like the nursery?" Scott asked me once we were laying down in bed, cuddling.

"I love it. Especially that quote. It's so cute."

"I thought so. But it's not as cute as those little babies are gonna be. I'm more than excited."

"Me too, Scottland. Me too."
(A/N: The photo is the nursery minus the nasty color they have & obviously the names. I just found one on Google to give you guys a clue on what it looks like. Also, the quote is there too with it. I love that quote, also found on Google.)

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