Chapter 88: Battle in the Arena

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Kashi was forced to take a step back as a result of the wind generated by that little motion. "Like hell you did," Kashi shot back. He could tell a born fighter when he met one. There was no need for formal speech. "You wanted to scare the shit out of me, didn't you? Hoping I would back down?" Kashi released a maniacal laugh of his own. "You must have gone senile if you think I'll back down now."

"HAHA!" Zeing guffawed proudly. "Well said!" His voice lowered to a menacing growl as he finished, "Looks like I'll enjoy killing you at the very least." Zeing pointed at Zuri. "Hope you don't plan on using that girl as a shield. I will smash you both."

Kashi surrendered Zuri to the nearest soldier. "Protect her with your life," he ordered as he relinquished his hold on her. "Anything happens to her," Kashi's eyes assaulted the poor man who found himself frozen beneath the deadly glare. "Your death. It will be slow and painful. That I promise." Kashi ignored the man's frantic nod as he brushed stray strands of hair off Zuri's face. Now that he saw her in the light, he noticed her skin was closer to a pale blue than it was to his soot-black complexion. "Wait for me." That said, Kashi turned to face Zeing.

At Froy's command, the soldiers exited the grounds, leaving the two men alone at the center of the 'ring.' Both men glared at each other, eyes burning with a raging challenge. Without ceremony, they charged each other, Zeing bent low and arms wide to grab Kashi.

Kashi read his purpose. The daeben kicked hard into a high roll over Zeing. His elbow struck the dwarf's head, but there was no give. Zeing sharply spun in place, and his fist followed swiftly, crashing into the daeben.

Kashi barely had time to shield the blow with his arms. But the force slapped him across the arena regardless. He stifled a cry as he skin scrubbed against the hard earth, then righted himself with a quick jump. Instinct forced him to jump another step back. And it was good he did, as the ground erupted right in front of him, dust and stone the heralds of Zeing's proximity. Kashi cursed as his back hit the arena's wall. That initial punch really sent him flying.

There was no time to think, as Zeing emerged from the column of smoke with the roar of a raging bull. Kashi swiftly ducked under a right fist that buried itself in the wall. Activating Ferulic's Spirit, Kashi shot upwards, smiling as his fist solidly connected with Zeing's jaw. That smile soon disappeared.

A snide grin corrupted the dwarf's face as he bent his head to look at the daeben. "That was a good hit." Before Kashi could process what the hell just happened, Zeing's left hand wrapped around the daeben's midriff and slammed him against the wall. "Why don't you apologize to my people," Zeing advised as he tightened his grip. His gauntlet stained with Kashi's blood as the daeben coughed. "I might consider forgiving you."

Kashi tried his best not to scream, but that took nothing away from his body's immense agony. His stomach and chest felt they were going to explode from the pressure built up inside. However, one glance into the stands above forced his decision. Bloodshot eyes glared into the dwarf's. "I don't need your forgiveness!" Kashi screamed as he slammed his fists against the wall.

Pillars of stone shot from around Kashi and crashed against Zeing. The collective blows were enough to momentarily disorient the dwarf, causing him to release the daeben. Rage quickened Kashi's bloodstream as kicked the dwarf's chest with both feet, knocking him back a couple of steps. The daeben stomped against the earth, and a slab of earth rose behind the dwarf.

Kashi closed the distance as Zeing's back hit the wall. A quick punch to the face sent Zeing crashing through the stone, but the daeben was far from done. He followed up that first blow with a flurry of never-ending punches and kicks, each pushing the dwarf further and towards the opposite wall.

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