Chapter 8: Touchdown

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The sound of cheers rang in Eli's ears. The whistles and clapping thumping in his head. His eyes focused towards one person, the guy wearing the jersey number '17'. Mateo.

The bleachers filled with people, students from their school and students from the opponent's school. Parents also watched as their sons tear each other limb from limb.

Eli was lost. He was never really the kind of guy who understood football, or any athletic game for that matter. But he finds himself cheering whenever their team would score a point, granted that Olivia had to point it out to him every time.

But he didn't care that he didn't understand. All he cared about is being there for Mateo, whose skin glistens with sweat as he run around the green field. His face hiding beneath the ridiculous helmet that they have to wear. He was mesmerized with the way Mateo ran, circumventing every player that gets in his way.

Once again the crowd cheers, Olivia standing to her feet, holding a poster that they made together for Mateo.

"C'mon Eli, it's the final minute. They're both tied." Olivia nudged him, taking a hold of his arms and pulling him up.

He stood up, eyes still trained towards his boyfriend. His boyfriend. He chuckled slightly at the notion.

Still can't quite wrap his whole head around the fact that this isn't real, all of it. However it felt, it wasn't real. He's not real. Eli gulped, repressing the thoughts down in his mind.

The crowd was going insane, everyone was up in their feet, jumping and shouting. The players running, towards Mateo as he held the ball, running around the field like crazy.

One large player almost tackled him and Eli could feel bile rising to his stomach as his head filled with worries.

He watched, his forehead wrinkling. Mateo ran and ran until he reached the end of the field, the whistles suddenly boomed all through out the bleachers.

Everyone suddenly jump out of their seats, cheering loudly as they hugged each other. Olivia gripped his wrist tightly, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Oh my God! We won! Eli we won!!!" She said, still jumping. Eli laughed, jumping with her. The both of them hugged.

"I didn't understand anything but Mateo scored the winning point, right?" Eli asked, his jumps slowing down. Olivia nodded, she held out the poster to Eli a mischievous smile suddenly present in her face.

Eli looked at her confused. Eyeing the large paper, 'MATEO! YOU CAN TOUCH ME DOWN!' written in pink calligraphy. The poster was Olivia's idea, and if anyone asked Eli he would deny that he have anything to do with it.

"You should go down there! Here bring this. Go on."

Eli's eyes bulged out. There is no way he is doing that. None at all.

He shook his head crazily, the cold wind nipping at his neck and so he clutch his jacket tighter.

"Are you crazy? No. no." he said. Olivia rolled her eyes at him, fixing the beanie in his head.

"Yes!!! Come on. Your boyfriend just scored the winning point! You should support him! GO!" She yelled, pushing slightly. His cold hands gripped the poster. He slowly made his way down the field.

People were running around the field, as players surround Mateo, cheering for him. Eli made his way closer.

Then he stopped. Contemplating. This is Mateo's victory, he should be celebrating it with his team mates and friends and not with him, whom doesn't even understand a single thing about the game. He'll just congratulate him after.

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