Chapter 3: Something Good

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"Why are you following me?" Eli groaned, looking back at Mateo who is following him like a lost puppy.

Mateo stayed with him, until he can finally stand up properly without getting nauseous and as a result they were 20 minutes late into dismissal.

Currently they are walking in the sidewalk, the sun beaming into their backs. Eli 10 steps ahead of Mateo.

"I'm no--- Where are you going?" Mateo sighed, almost like he's exhausted with Eli's temper tantrums. He crossed his arms, quirking his eyebrows at Eli.

"Home. duh!" Eli snapped, turning around and started walking again.

"The nurse is right. You did hit your head pretty hard."

Eli rolled his eyes but didn't bother to comment. He kept on going, the rough pavement scraping into his shoes.

"Aren't you going to bring your car?" Mateo almost yelled. That made Eli stop. Furrowing his eyebrows. A car? 'I have a car'?

Without a second thought he goes back to Mateo's side, with a sheepish smile playing on his lips.

"Where's my car again?" He asked, blinking a few times. Mateo chuckled at him head shaking, his curls falling.


Mateo softly guided him, his hands slipping on the small of Eli's back. He didn't say anything.

The both of them went back. Few cars litter the parking lot in front of the school. Mateo guided him towards the one in the middle, in all of it's glory. A matte black car welcomes him, he didn't even know what the brand is and he didn't care. This is his.

Eli finds himself caressing the side door of the car, smiling at himself. At least something good comes out of this dream.

He opened the passenger door, and sat inside. The leather seat scrunching beneath him. He took a sniff and a smell of vanilla entered his lungs.

He looked at his side. Mateo is crouching outside, his face close to the window, expectant. Eli rolled down the window, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"What do you want?"

"You're my ride."


"YOU'RE my ride." Mateo emphasized.

"Kay, you drive then." Eli answered, only now realizing that he didn't know how to drive.

Mateo chuckled, but didn't complain. Eli puts his seat belt on, feeling a nervousness in his stomach. His mind going haywire thinking about the possibility that the car would go crashing again.

He could feel the adrenaline pumping in his veins when he saw the car, when he swerve the steering wheel and when they fell down the ditch.

He could hear his own heart pumping in his chest while his body flails as the car rolls down.

He closed his eyes. Inhaling and exhaling.




He opened them again. His body relaxing. He peeked at Mateo only to find the boy already looking at him, a glint in his eyes and a smile upon his lips.

"You're so cute. y'know that?"

"Shut up."

Rolling his eyes, Eli gestured for Mateo to start the car.

10 minutes into the drive he slapped Mateo's arm.

"Stop looking at me, pay attention to the road"

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