Chapter 19: First Date

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It was Saturday noon when Eli received a text. He was perched up in his windowsill, overlooking his neighbors breezing through the street. That was one of his hobbies, observing people as they go by their day and he watches in the safety of his room. It's a little creepy, sure, but it was entertaining nevertheless.

On his bed his cell phone dings. He grabbed it and went back to sitting on the windowsill.

Unknown number: Hey. :)

Eli scrunched his forehead and his thumbs padded into his phone.

Eli: Who's this?

Not a minute longer his phone dings again.

Unknown Number: The guy that you've given a second chance.

Eli: My dad?

Unknown Number: Very Funny, Eli.

Eli chuckled as he stared at his phone.

Unknown Number: It's Luke.

Eli: Yeah... I figured.

Unknown Number: Sooooo. Can I take you up on that chance you gave me?

Eli: Depends. Are you gonna be sober when you drive me around?

Unknown: You know. I never noticed how funny you are! HA HA

Eli let out a laugh as he read Luke's message, he could practically hear the sarcasm from it.

Eli: I guess wonders never cease. :)

Unknown Number: I guess they don't. So are we on?

Eli: When???

Unknown Number: Now?

Eli: NOWW?? Are u kidding me?

Unknown Number: No... get ready! :)

Eli: Wait. Where are we going?

Unknown Number: 🤐

Eli chucks his phone in the bed and walks towards his closet. Luke didn't give him any ideas on what to wear and so he opted to grab a black skinny jeans, a white graphic tee and his jean jacket.

He flops down on his bed and reads Luke's texts again. Sighing he lets his head roam towards Mateo, even if he didn't want to. More and more the mere thought of Mateo is starting to feel like a forbidden room, filled with emotional stress and heartbreaks. It's a room that Eli didn't want to open.

Luke is great. He's easy to be with. He can imagine being with him here, something that he could never imagine with Mateo, not in this reality.

He forces himself to stand up and trudges his feet downstairs. He could see his father hunched over their kitchen table. Carving flower-like shapes onto a door sized wood.

Eli's father was an accountant before his mother got sick and once she did, he quit his job to take care of her. They get by with his father's hobbies; woodworking and woodcarving. It was not ideal, they barely get by, especially with his mother's expensive medication, but somebody has to take care of her and carving woods means that he could work at home.

"New project?" Eli asked, avoiding the wood as he passed by his father. He grabs an orange juice from the refrigerator.

"Yeah. The uh- The Eclaires are renovating their home, something about retirement. They've asked me to handle all their woods." If it's anyone else, Eli would've laughed at the mention of woods. But this was his father, they may have given a chance at being civilized with each other after Eli's accident but their dynamics are still awkward and stiff. But Eli is thankful and impressed that his dad has gone this far without drinking, or even if he did, he has the decency to not be blindly drunk to the point that their house smells like puke and whisky.

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