Jeffery Dean Morgan: Girls Your Age

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I panted hard trying to catch my breath. My ass was out of shape, or never was in shape. I was training, but I couldn't tell you for what. I just know my friend's uncle paid for this 6 week training plan. "Hey, you look like your doing amazing." Miranda comments as she walks besides me to the next level. Thank God, it's core planking and I can get off my feet. "I'm trying, I really appreciate it that your uncle paid for my plan as well. " She shrugged, " Speaking of, would you mind doing me a favor?" Miranda fell into position with ease while it took me a little more work. She was  beautiful girl in a edgy way, she barely classified as feminine. She teetered between androgynous and masc-fem. Styles all the time and I loved it. "Of course, you rarely ask me for favors. What is it?" She took a breath of air during her cooldown. "Oh, It's simple really, kinda embarrassing. I have a Gyn/OB appointment tomorrow and I was supposed to be picking my uncle up from the airport. Was wondering if you could give him a ride?" I can do that easy, " Yeah, I can thank him for the plan in person. Not a problemo, my love. His name's Jeffery right?" Miranda nodded her confirmation, " Seriously, thank you for this." We finished our workout, showered and changed. "Do you wanna grab dinner?" She asked, clearly tired and hopeful that I don't want to. "Girl, go home. Go cuddle with that cutie pie you got at home." She smiles brightly, " You know me too well. I'll send you the info to pick up uncle Jeff when I'm in the house." She somehow gained the energy to jog to her little hatchback. I shake my head throwing my duffel bag in the back of my little Impala. It's not a '67 but he's close ('66)  and a deep purple/black color scheme. I was a big fan of Supernatural, clearly. I picked up some BurgerKing™ on the way home and just entered when Mir texted me. His flight came in at 10am so I probably should be there by 9:45a.m. which wasn't a big deal. I ate, took a shower than decided to go to bed early.

The sweet tone of Hell's screaming victims woke me up at 7am. I, still groggy, got dressed and ate before heading out to Big Daddy. Surely Miranda's uncle is going to love riding in it. I get a lot of flack for being into cars like this but when have I ever given a shit? I got in the car and pulled out of my driveway with ease. Traffic was surprisingly low, and I cut off about 20 minutes of my trip time. I parked in the pick up zone and stepped out. I leaned against Big Daddy knowing I was early. "Hello, Are you Y/N?" My head came up so fast I thought it was gonna follow through and break my neck. Jeffrey....meant Jeffery Dean Morgan apparently. Mir was going to die, on sight, for not warning ahead of time.

"Y-yeah, jesus. Uh Yeah I'm Y/N. Lemme pop the ass for you." I cringed immediately, " I mean pop the trunk." He chuckled gathering his bags up as I hid in the car. I hear the trunk close and waited with baited breath as he sat in the passenger seat. "This is a beauty. What year is it?" I relaxed, " '66 mostly original minus the updated radio." He nodded as he inspected the car. The drive was a bit away but nothing too stressful. It was a nice morning, I'd gotten us both Starbucks. His coffee black with sugar and  my kiwi refresher with Lemonade were both paid by him.

" Looks alot like Baby inside of here." I smiled, "Yeah, his name's Big Daddy. I love him, gotta treat him right." Jeffery laughed out loud at the reference. I really didn't want him to know how big of a SPN and Walking Dead fan I was. It felt magical just being near him.

We talked most of the time we were sitting in traffic. Soft subtle touches were exchanged when laughing or expressing comfort. "Mir told me you were a fan, it's surprising you aren't freaking out." My smile fell, he knew already, he knew that I knew. "Don't affect me much, you're a human being." He gave me that famous half smirk, " Most girls your age are hardcore in their fandoms." I scoffed, " I'm not a girl, I'm a woman. Also thank you for the gym membership."

He smiled after contemplating something, " You're right I apologise, and don't worry bout it. Hey, do you mind if we get lunch together later after I settle back in the house?" I choked on a kiwi sip and looked at the older man. " Yeah, sure. Just tell me which house is yours," I said slowly drifting through the street.

He pointed to a cozy looking white home. "That's home. Just let me know what you'd like to have. I'll pick you up? 2 sound good?" He asked softly as if I'd changed my mind. "Yeah, Here's my number." I give him my number and he saves it. "Well, I'll see you at 2." I smile and wave stupidly, it felt like.
"And Y/N?"
"This is a date."
"So you're buying?"
He chuckled, " This may be a little weird but can I hug you?" I nodded quickly stepping out of the car. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me into his arms. To my surprise, when I looked up at him, his lips tapped mine in a chaste kiss. "You feel much too natural in my arms. I'll see you. At 2."
"I'll be there waiting."
I smiled, shaking my head as I drove off. I grinned like a cat who stole milk the whole way home. I had a date with a dreamy man, my dream man. Life never looked so deliciously hopeful.

Girls my age....were always a good time.

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