Savior: Negan x POC reader

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I pulled the trigger and ran hard, it didn't matter which direction honestly. I just needed to escape alive and that was that. I spotted a truck, with people who had weapons. I sped up pushing the last of my energy to get to a man with a spiked bat. "Whoa, sweetheart, slow down." My vision had become blurry but I could tell he was strong in his features. "Horde," I croaked out with a dry mouth. He cursed as I stumbled against him my strength draining. "Are you bit?" I shake my head weakly, "Dehydrated, hunger, exhausted. Not bit." I huffed out with a little bit of attitude. He pulled me into the truck and sat me in his lap. "Ya owe me. Drink." He put a bottle up to my lips and I drank not caring what could be in it, I was thirsty. "Thank you." I closed my eyes feeling the truck begin to move. I must've been ultra tense because I heard him mumble, "Relax, Sweetheart, you're okay."  I nodded but I don't think I did relax. I did fall asleep, though, and man did it feel good.

I rolled over, eyes still closed, relishing in whatever comfortable bed I was in. If I was going to be devoured by walkers in a few moments than I was willing to take these last moments. "Hey, rise and shine. I know you are awake. I've got questions." That voice, I moaned softly as I opened my eyes. "Hello."  In front off my eyes stood a large man with salt and peppered hair. Good Lord, he was fine, like damn near yummy. "You must be starving the way you're looking at me. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait til after breakfast to get a taste." And he spoke, I thought disappointedly. He laughed at his own joke as he handed me a bowl of oatmeal. I dug into it immediately and groaned happily.

"So, what's your name, sweetheart?" He had a clipboard in his hands now and I was suspicious. "Moon," I said cautiously. "What a fucking liar, HA. I get it though. Strange handsome man with a clipboard." He wrote it down any way. "Age?" "Y/A(18+ if you're younger go do your damn homework and stop lusting over grandfathers.)" He grumbles softly and writes it down. "What did you do before the world went to shit?" I smiled giggling, which was not something I did often but this man affected me oddly.

"Guess," I said leaning towards him slowly. "A stripper." I rolled my eyes and sat back against the headboard. "I was in the military. I went in immediately after highschool." He raised an eyebrow, "You're fucking kidding me." "I came home from basics the day of graduation and was about to be assigned to a unit." I shrugged and looked into my empty bowl. "No shit?" I shook my head, "It wasn't much, I was going to be a field medic to be exact." He nodded, "Explains why you were so prepared." "Not enough apparently, I ran out of rations three weeks in and travelled a state and a half over and down." He nodded and wrote everything down.

"I'll have you work in the infirmary when you're better. We'll get you some points, clothes, and quarters. Welcome to Sanctuary, Moon." He stood up and picked up his spiked bat. "Wait! What's your name? And who's room is this?" He beamed a smile at me and tossed his bat against his shoulder. "I'm Negan, and you're in my room, sweetheart." I nodded and shrank back slightly at the size of his frame. "And this here is Lucille." He shrugs the bat gently. "Get some rest, Kid." I'd always been good at obeying, and this was no different.

I opened my eyes, it seemed like later at night but I finally had energy and felt better than I'd had in weeks. I spotted a glass of water on the night stand and gulped it down. "Slow down you're gonna get hiccups." A voice said from the corner. "You're in my bed so armchair it is." Negan yawned and twisted his neck cracking it. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll take the armchair." I said standing up out of the bed too quickly. I wobbled and  fell nearly to the ground when a pair of hands caught me. "You're fine, get back in bed." He lifted me in the bed and tucked me back in. "I don't wanna kick you out of your bed." I said guilty.  "Oh you're not, Doll, I was waiting until you woke up so I could crawl in. Didn't want you waking up screaming about a man in his bed." He climbed in, a respectable distance from me and turned off the light. "Goodnight, Moon." Heh. What a fucking dick. "Goodnight, Ass." He chuckled and I began to fall asleep. "That's savior to you."

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