Rulers: Shouta Aizawa (BNHA)

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A/N: Fuck it. Here we go, kids.

"Sir, may I have a couple of moments after your last class? I've got some questions I need help with? " I was struggling with the course work in 1-A. My quirk wasn't particularly strong but I was determined to be a hero, even if it was underground. Aizawa's eyes were disinterested as he turned towards me. However that disinterest turned into surprise among recognizing me. "Of course! You're one of my f- Best students. Meet me here at say.... 3:30?" I left out an air of relief, " Thank you so much." I waved goodbye, not wanting to be late to Present Mic's class. He was loud but a pretty fun guy, that meant learning with him was that much easier. Even though English was my native language, I still opted to take it to engage with and help my younger peers.

The age difference between the other students and myself was jarring at first but everyone is encouraging. As a legal adult, being in high school was a weird route to being a Pro-hero but when the Hero Commission suggested it, it didn't seem too bad of an idea. I was basically just brushing up on knowledge to close the gap from being in the International Hero Exchange Program. Japan didn't have a Hero's College like the USA did so here I was... a high school. However that was the least of my worries. I sat dutifully in English, pretending to pay attention, assisting Presentation Micheal when needed, and finishing the class work when I wasn't. It wasn't long before the bell ring and I made my way to my locker. I waved goodbye to the young students that wished me a good day and promised to see me the next. When the hallways were decently cleared, I took the anxious steps towards Aizawa's classroom. Knocking, I bounced leg to leg, letting the movement calm me. The door opened revealing an enterally exhausted Aizawa. "Punctual as always, come in." He grumbled out sleepily shrugging out of the iconic yellow sleeping bag.

I stepped through door, my steps more skittish than normal. Something felt wrong, and I knew he could sense it but he was kind enough to not say anything. "What can I help you with?"
His deep voice dragged with sleep and another emotion that I couldn't identify. "I was wondering if I could get extra..tutoring in quirk use and hand to hand combat." I rushed the request out as fast as possible. He tilted his head to the side, "Ah, I see. I do notice you work extra hard on the physical course-load. How does Mondays and Fridays sound for you?" I furrowed my brows noticing the weekend pattern. " Yeah that sounds fine, after school I assume?" He nodded his confirmation without hesitation. " And Y/N, Don't tell anyone... I'm not going to do this for anyone else." He stepped forward taking my hand in his own. It was large, dwarfing my hand easily, and prominent veins. He wore a gold band on his middle finger, something that's always confused me.

I must have been staring at it because he answered the silent question, "Friendship bands... Present Mic...forced it on. I'm not married or anything." I nodded at the information before smiling up at him. " That sounds like a good friendship." He gave me a small insecure grin, "This may be... inappropriate but...would you like to go to a show with me? Hizashi is performing." My eyes widened at the invitation, "Yeah, I'd love to!" I handed him my phone and watched as he entered his number. He pushed his hair back on his head nervously, "Tomorrow night at 7?" I smiled shyly, nodding to confirm the time. It took me a few moments to come back to Earth but when I did, I giddily left the classroom heading to my car.

~~~~~~The Next Day (6:45pm)~~~~~~

I double check my simple black outfit, including the things in my over the shoulder bag. I got the text that Aizawa was on his way, I yelped racing around startling my roommate. "Chill it, N/N, you have everything." I sighed in relief before taking a deep calming breath. There was a honk outside and I waved goodbye as I stepped out. My jaw dropped seeing Aizawa on a sleek black motorbike, holding out a helmet with kitty ears on them. "You look... Different than in school. It's... Nice." He mumbled to me as he helped adjust the helmet. I straddled the bike and wrapped my arms around his torso. He was surprisingly warm and firmly solid in body shape. "You look really good in leather," I muttered, thinking he couldn't hear. I thought wrong, he burst out laughing (A sound rarely anyone heard from him.) as he started the bike again.

The ride to the club wasn't as long as I assumed it would be. We pulled up and enter the club easier than most but it could've been the VIP tickets we had. "Can you drink?" Aizawa leaned into my ear to ask,"Usually I wouldn't encourage students but... We've already crossed that status, huh?" I smiled and looked at the Hero, "Yes Sir, I can drink legally." He guided me to the bar and he ordered a beer of some sort. I ordered an All Might Smash curiously. "Be careful with those," Aizawa told me as I sipped on the drink. I was pleasantly surprised with the American kool-aid jammer base, it was a little too smooth. I followed the tall man to a table near the stage as the lights dimmed. As the music played, I swayed back and forth with the beat. I knew Present Mic was talented but he really had some bops! Aizawa turned to look at me and I caught a glimpse of his dazzling smile. A waiter brought another drink for us to the table and I sipped on the fresh drink. "Sho! Buddy! Do a shot with us!" Hizashi called out from the stage as he downed a vodka shot and began the next song intro. A shot glass was pushed into both of our hands and we knocked back promising we'd only do one shot.

Yeah, that shot happened 10 more times everytime they played a new song. I was drunk but I could function enough to order an Uber for Aizawa and myself on his phone. "You know, this was fun! I rarely actually enjoy these." Aizawa slurred in my ear and laughed. I laughed agreeing with him, forgetting I was using his phone. I hit Home as the designation and confirmed without missing a beat. "20 minutes, Aizawa, for the u-uber," I said to him. He smiled easily at me and leaned forward placing our foreheads together, "I had fun with you, Kitten. And call me Shouta, or Sensei if that's your thing" My breath hitched as he smirked with one side of his mouth. Present Mic suddenly patted Aizawa and he spun to greet his friend. "You sounded good, Hiz, as usual." Present Mic chuckled looking at me softly, "He's an affectionate drunk. Sorry. Do you need help with him?" I shake my head softly, "No, I called an Uber." Aizawa's phone rang immediately following my statement. "If you could get him to the car with me I can take it from there." It took a few minutes but soon we were in the car and headed in the direction of Aizawa's apartment.

"Good heavens, you're beautiful, kitten." He smiled charmingly at me as my face began to heat up. "Thank you, Shouta." His eyes narrowed and he moved in close to me. He lifted my chin to look him in the eyes, "Say my name again." I couldn't reel in my soft moan as I repeated his name. His lips smashed into mine. He pulled me into his lap with disregard of my size. I returned the heated kiss with my own desire. Once the dam broke, there was no patching it up. We paused only to breathe and eventually stumble in to his apartment. Clothes were thrown and abandoned in a path to his room.

I was thrown into the black silk sheets, "Silk?" "Easy to roller the cat hair off of. Are you sure you want this? Because I am willing to risk alot for you, Kitten." He was surprisingly sober about this. I nodded eagerly, "More than you know." He crawled over my body staring into my eyes, "Good, cause I'm gonna crack you like a glow stick, baby." He smirked seeming more like a Villian. And God damn was it hotter than hell.

~~~~~~~~~~~Smut Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

He laid on my overheated body gently, comforting me. He kissed every mark he left, "I... thoroughly enjoyed this and... I'd like to continue seeing you, Y/N." I looked up at him to get a gauge of his emotions. "If that's okay with you." I smiled widely, "Only if you spank me with a ruler next time." He laughed softly as he kissed me deeply. "Anything, Kitten." He rolled to the side and held me in his arms. His breathing evened out and knew he had fallen asleep. "This is what it feels like..." I whispered studying his face, "To fall in love." I closed my eyes a smile settling on my face as I fall asleep.

And if I'm being honest, I never slept better than I did that night in his comforting loving embrace.

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