Start from the beginning

    "woah, hold on, we got a missing vic, and this guy might be dangerous. I need you to stay here." he instructed before walking away.

     "allison frickin' hargreeves, man, oh, man." he exclaimed excitedly.

    parker teleported allison beside the hargreeves' car, "that's more like it," parker smiled as they opened the car door and stepped inside.


     the duos speed down the road as it was slowly turning night, the wind could be heard howling loudly. parker didn't like this feeling, hearing the howl increases was killing him.

    the vehicle was parked, allison and parker finally stepped out, slamming the door behind them as they heard violin being played. parker exhaled before the two rushed into the cabin to sees vanya playing her violin.

     "vanya, there you are. what is going on?"

    vanya stopped playing, turning to sees her sister and friend standing side by side. "what are you two doing here?" vanya question.

    "we came to find you, are you okay?" allison asked. vanya face was written with confusion as she gazed at the two figure, "yeah," vanya replied.

    "are you sure?" parker assures.

    "yes, parker." vanya insists. "there's something... weird going on, what's causing it?" allison question, referring to the loud howling and wind blowing.


    "what do you mean, "me"?" allison asked, stepping forward. parker tilts his head to the side before he walks behind the couch toward vanya. "wait, you did that?" he asked.

    "I mean... I made those things happen. with my powers. turns out I've had them all this time." vanya explains.

    "wow, I knew you couldn't have just been an extraordinary number seven," parker smiled.

    "yeah," vanya nods, "it's weird, huh?"

    "yeah," parker continued smiling, hearing allison gasp at the sudden news. "it's in-- it's incredible." allison stuttered, shocked.


     "ca-can we do this in the car?" allison question, gesturing toward the door.

     "why?" vanya asks.

    parker groans, "we've something really important to tell you, but..."

    allison sighed, "you're not gonna want to hear it."

    "well, that's never stopped you before," vanya remarked, shrugging lightly.

     parker furrows his brows, he wasn't familiar with allison and vanya's sisterhood. he knew they was on the rock now, but previous years? nope.

     "leonard peabody? his real name is harold jenkins." allison explains.

    allison stepped closer to vanya and parker.

    "remember when I couldn't find anything in the library on leonard? It's because leonard peabody doesn't exist, harold jenkins does. he was in prison for 12 years. He murdered his father when he was 13." allison continued, looking at parker for backup.

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now