The Haves And The Have Nots

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"Happy Birthday to you, 
Happy Birthday to you 
Happy Birthday dear Piño 
Happy Birthday to you, and many more!" The party poppers popped and the guests cheered.

It was a beautiful summer day on the island of Sparkling Waters. For once, it was pleasantly warm, not too hot nor too cold, perfect weather conditions for little Piño's beach birthday party. His friends and family were all in attendance to celebrate with him. However, Chester was in a particularly fussy mood today for an unknown reason. Perhaps he was a little jealous that he wasn't getting any gifts. 

Coconut certainly was. But it wasn’t just about the gifts, she also craved all the attention. As the middle child who wasn’t particularly good at anything, she sometimes felt...forgotten. 

Her elder brother, Mango, the heir to the Sparkling throne, was always being taught about how to one day rule the kingdom with wisdom. He also enjoyed riding horses as much as their father did; another thing they bonded over. He even got his first power, super strength, at a young age, just like their father did.

It wasn’t just Mango, Piño got a lot of her parents attention as well. He was…”special”, a little different from the other children. He also was very good at hula, while Coconut was okay, but certainly not as naturally talented as he was. 

But these depressing thoughts were pushed aside, it was time to celebrate!

 A servant served each child a pina colada flavored gourmet cupcake. As they all dug in, Chester couldn’t help but fuss over his dessert; he had a bad, ominous feeling in the pit of his little stomach. 

His mother came over and picked him up out of his high-chair. “Sorry, I just dunno what’s wrong with ‘im. He’s usually so happy to see Piño…” 

“Sally, darling, it’s quite alright!” Banana assured her, “We all have bad days now and again. Maybe a little fun at the beach will do him good!" 

After the children got cleaned up after devouring their cupcakes, they were allowed to enjoy some play time on the beach. 

" know it's my birthday, right?" Piño asked.

"Duh! Of course we do! Why else would we be here, stupid?" Rose exclaimed harshly. 

"I just love all za positivity radiating off of you." Tatertot commented sarcastically. 

"....Well I don't know what radiatin' means, but because it's my birthday, maybe I'll get my first power!" Piño exclaimed excitedly.

"Eh….I dunno about all that, you're kinda too young to be gettin' your first power. You gotta be real grown up and mature for somethin' like that." Rose Quartz replied. 

"That's not necessarily true," Bowser III pointed out, "I was pretty young when I discovered I could float and use my tears to make plants grow." 

"And Papa was pretty young when he began doing magic." Matera Shariee added. 

Rose kicked some sand. "W-well, Bowser and Uncle Lud are mature, and Piño's not! Just a few minutes ago, he laughed when Tatertot farted!" 

"Hey! That wasn't me, that was Ginger Ale!"

"Y-yeah, it was me. But I said excuse me, so it's all okay now…" 

"Anyway, the point is, Piño is super immature so he's totally going to be a late bloomer, if he even gets powers that is." Rose concluded, examining her little nails. 

"What's so wrong with being a late bloomer?" Matera Shariee asked, a little offended. 

"And what's wrong with having no powers at all? I'd rather have none than be a destructive mutant! " Coconut exclaimed, knocking all of the children off guard. They hadn't even known she was there.

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