The Great Recession

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"My Diamond, My Diamond, My Diamond, have you heard, have you heard?!" Sakura Pearl exclaimed frantically.

Bully shushed her. "Pearl quiet down, we can't let--"

"Has he heard what? Bully, what is she squawking about?" 

Bully chuckled sheepishly. "Oh nothi--"

"I just got off the phone with the Governess of the Bank of the Rock Candy Mines, and she said we're currently in a recession!" Sakura revealed frantically.

Bully sighed deeply. So much for keeping quiet.

"Daddy, what's a recession?" Rose Quartz chimed in. She had been quietly playing with her dolls on the floor when all the commotion started, they had even forgotten she was there. Bully discreetly gestured to Brigitta.

"Come on Rose, the adults are about to have a serious conversation." Brigitta informed her, leading Rose out of the room with her dolls.

"Recession? Bully, how could this have happened!?" Apple exclaimed.

"My Diamond had been doing some very...frivolous spending of the kingdom's money. I've been keeping track." Dreyfus chimed in bitterly, handing Apple a written receipt.

"What the bloody hell is this?! Why was I not notified? You spent all this money on cars, clothes, shoes--You bought Rose a $137,000 Swarovski Crystal Rocking Horse?!"

"I can't have my baby ride on just any old rockin' horse, she deserves the best." 

"And a $170,000 Louis Vuitton teddy bear?" 

"Like I said, I can't have my baby's precious skin make contact with commoner floof!"  

"And $50,000 diamond earrings?"

"Well, technically it's $100,000 because I got a matching pair for Rose and I~" Bully admitted, pointing to the bling on his earlobes. Apple just simply glowered at him.

"What, did you want a pair too? Is that what this is about? Are you jealous because we don't take you on our Father-Daughter shoppin' trips?" He asked, chuckling.

Apple rolled her eyes and went back to the list. It just went on and on and on, some purchases more extravagant than the last.

"Look, Red, don't be like that~" He said, hugging her, "You were royalty too once, you act like you've never experienced luxury before." 

She pushed him away. "Yes of course, but in moderation. My Mum and Dad didn't just give me whatever I wanted like some spoiled brat, I had to earn it by getting good grades and whatnot! They didn't just shower me with meaningless riches to make up for the fact that they didn't care about me or that they never spent time with me and just because that's what your Father did to you doesn't mean you get to do it my Rosie!" 

...Then there was silence. Dreyfus whistled lowly, trying to make what he just saw less awkward. 

"Dreyfus, Sakura, get out." 

"But My Diamond--"

"I said, get out." Bully growled.

And so they quickly complied. 

"Don't worry about what you heard in there Sir Dreyfus, ok?" Sakura told him.

Dreyfus nodded. "Why yes, of course. I have some business to attend I'll be making my leave." 

Before Sakura could ask about what kind of business, Dreyfus was already making his way down the quiet halls of the Palace. He left the front entrance and got into a limo that took him to an inconspicuous house in an inconspicuous location. 

He got out and went to the door. He entered, but not before looking to make sure he wasn't being followed. 

The inconspicuous house was hardly a house at all, it only looked like one on the outside. On the inside, it was more like a warehouse: dark and spacious. It was empty, except for a single chair with a woman sitting in it. 

"Hello Dreyfus." She greeted him.

"Hello, Emerald." He responded curtly. 

"Is that anyway to address your mother? Anyway, a little birdie told me that the castle is in a bit of distress, Dreyfus, would you care to tell me why?" Emerald asked, her tone of voice ominous and oddly cheerful.

"The Governess of the Bank of the Rock Candy Mines has reported that the kingdom has gone into a recession. The Diamond--"

"Don't call him that." 

"The Idiot has not informed the populace yet. He has been frivolously spending the kingdom's finances for years. I have kept a receipt of all the things he's purchased." Dreyfus replied, handing her the receipt. 

Emerald cackled aloud. "This is hilarious! A $96,000 limited edition solid 18kt gold dummy? He spent $96,000 on a pacifier that that little rugrat of his was going to drool all over? Oh! And it just gets better and better!" She smiled as she went down the list. 

"I swear these d**n rich people have more money than they know what to do with. Who could anyone possibly make such a novice mistake? Like I'm always telling you Dreyfus, men...they just aren't meant to rule. And when the rest of the world realizes that, the world will finally be a better place. Keep your eye on the prize, Drey. Soon enough, we will assassinate that Idiot and all things will be as they should be~" 

Dreyfus nodded in complete agreement. Just because someone had a diamond gem didn't mean they automatically had the right to lead. They had to earn it. He was a little concerned about how the kingdom would be protected from The Darkness if there was no Diamond to keep up the shield, but they'd cross that bridge when they got there. 

"Now run along, darling, you don't want to give that Idiot any reason to lose faith in you. Our plan won't succeed without trust." Emerald ordered.

Dreyfus nodded before exiting the inconspicuous building. 

He had work to do.

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