Those Magic Changes

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Kooky decided he'd attend the funeral of his late brother. He was practically his favorite brother….and he wanted to see the dead body. Additionally, it might seem a little suspicious if he was the only one absent while all his other siblings were in attendance. They might think less of him, and that wouldn't be good when it would come time for him to ask them for favors. He'd also wanted to know how he died, and perform the autopsy himself if possible. During his time working in the basement of the Koopa Castle--aside from carrying out the executions of criminals and prisoners of war--he also had some experience as a medical examiner. The Koopas had wanted to make sure the enemy wasn't using any sort of drugs, magic, or unknown power-ups that would give them an advantage and that's where young Kooky came in. He'd learned that, at times, the dead have some interesting stories to tell. 

But he couldn't just leave his kingdom unsupervised. 

"So, do you both understand what I'm asking of you? No one leaves or enters the Palace except me, keep an eye on the priestesses and make sure they don't escape and all that good stuff." 

Fritz wasn't really listening, he was distracted by his new clothing, a chiton Kooky called it. He'd never worn anything like it. It fit like a breezy dress, the fabric so soft it felt like it was barely there. It was an interesting change from his usual short lederhosen.

And Lodewijk wasn't really listening because he was too distracted checking out Fritz in his new clothing. He liked the way his thighs looked in it and he thought about what would happen if a strong breeze were to come by and blow his dress up. Just the thought of catching a glimpse of his cute butt made him go stiff again. 

"Fritz, stop twirling around and pay attention, before you accidentally flash us. Nobody wants to see all your junk." Kooky said. 

I do, Lodewijk thought to himself, but he guessed he qualified as a nobody. 

Fritz stopped twirling and saluted him. "Yes, I understand. I'll try my best to not disappoint you!" 

"Good." Kooky replied simply, turning to Lodewijk, who only nodded back. 

"What about Ludwig?" 

"We thought it would be best if he went dormant for a while. There's nobody in the inner world to really keep him company, so we thought he deserved a break. He'll be fine." Fritz replied. 

"Good….don't make me regret this." Kooky warned. The spell he'd casted to give them all their own bodies was quite energy consuming, even with Fritz's added power. He wouldn't be able to enlarge himself or do any really complicated spells, but hopefully he wouldn't need them. 

"Alright boys, I'll be back soon, I dunno how soon but soon. Be on your best behavior." 

The alters waved him off as he cast a teleportation spell, vanishing into thin air.


Roy's memorial service was to be held in the Rose Garden at Buckingham Palace. His favorite flowers were roses and they were blooming beautifully at this time of year, so Rose Quartz  decided it would be the perfect place. She was sure the colors were pretty too: delicate yellows and brilliant reds, Brigitta had described them; She wished her father could've been there to admire them too. There had been roses planted in the rose garden on the roof of the Diamond Palace, but those were all probably dead and gone now, destroyed by the Darkness. 

There was an arrangement of chairs set up facing towards a podium and a makeshift stage. On a stand sat Roy's coronation photo, one of the most formal pictures he owned. On a table next to it there was a smaller photo of him when he was younger in his military dress uniform (which she had to admit he looked quite handsome in). There were other, more informal photos on the same table. Photos of him when he was a kid, with Rose, with his siblings, with cars, with his school volleyball team, in his beach volleyball uniform, and others. 

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