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Bully Koopa heaved a long, deep sigh of exhaustion and stress. How could he have been so oblivious, so...blind to what was going on right in front of him? As he held the drawing his daughter drew of their family in his large hands, it was beginning to feel all too real….

It all began on an average day at Westboro Academy. Westboro was a private bilingual primary school that Rose Quartz attended on a daily basis, she was currently in Grade 1. Rather than getting her private tutors, Rose's parents thought it would be better for her to attend school with common children, so that she would be able to develop her social skills and be more down to earth with the subjects of her kingdom.

Rose Quartz had always had some difficulty fitting in with the other children. They typically steered clear of her for reasons she couldn't really understand. They gossiped about her, and called her dumb behind her back. Of course they never did
 it to her face, she was the crown princess after all. She assumed that it was because they were just jealous of her success. 

Anyway, Grade 1 was coming to a close. To celebrate the end of the school year, the student's were making different crafts to show off what they'd learned in their different subjects. In art class, specifically, Rose's class was tasked with painting pictures of their families. 

All of her classmates were socializing away in Waffilian(French)--In Grade 1 at Westboro Academy, art class was taught in Waffilian, as was Waffilian class and social studies-- as they worked, except for Rose. Not only because she had no friends, but because she wanted to make sure her painting was the best painting anyone had ever seen. 

Rose Quartz was notorious for her color choices when it came to paintings. She always used unnatural, odd colors when she painted that made the class snicker and giggle, i.e. when she used yellow paint to color water. However, for unknown reasons, she didn't do this as much when she used crayons or colored pencils….

"Salut." Lumiere greeted her as he sat down at Rose's empty table. 

Lumiere was the son of Governess Caterina Dennel and like his mother, he was also an annoying snob. Caterina would sometimes bring her son with her to the Palace when they would have court and Rose would be forced to entertain him.

Additionally, Lumiere was the only boy in her small class of 15 students. Because the population was about 98% female, males were pretty rare. There were probably only about 5 in the whole school. 

"What do you want?" Rose Quartz replied in Waffilian, continuing to focus on her painting.

"Madame Morin told me to come sit with you and 'keep you company'." Lumiere replied, glancing at Rose's painting. 

He grimaced. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to the sky in her painting. 

"The sky." 

"Why did you paint it orange? The sky isn't orange, it's blue." 

"Yes it is, haven't you ever seen a sunset before?" Rose asked, a little annoyed.

"Of course I have! The sunsets are the best at my estate, you should come by sometime and see what you're missing out on." 

"That sounds really tempting, but no thanks." 

He scoffed. "Why did you paint the grass dark blue? Grass is green." 

"It's not grass, it's the ocean Mr.Know-It-All." 

"Why is it spiky like grass?" He asked smugly.

"Those are the waves, I'm sorry, I'm not the best at drawing." 

"Why are you all standing on the ocean?" 

"Because we can." 

"No you can't, your mom is a human. Humans can't walk on water."

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