The Death of King Roy

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"....There must be something you want, some reason you've brought me here. Whatever it is, it's yours, in exchange for my freedom! Please! Please, just let me go! I have a wife and child on the way! I n-need her to know I'm alive, I need to be with her...."

If you need to be with her and the fetus so badly you should've been at home instead of wasting your time fucking random sex slaves, Kooky thought to himself as he took a puff on his cannabis joint. Father Pythagoras had hardly stopped talking since he came to. When he awoke, he had initially been frightened but then he remembered how he'd gotten there. He began to beg for his freedom, but to Kooky, it wasn't even good begging, it was just somewhat annoying. But he lounged on his throne and listened because he didn't have much else to do. He moved his tongue toward the back of his throat as he shaped his mouth into an "O" shape. He then quickly popped small amounts of smoke out of his mouth, forming whispy little rings.

This made Pythagoras go quiet, for he'd never seen such a thing before. He'd seen people smoke, but never make rings. Admittedly, he found it somewhat cool. Kooky looked to him, wondering why he'd stopped rambling all of a sudden.

"What is that weird thing you're doing there? You know, smoking is not very good for you. It can cause many health problems, perhaps if you let me out, I could tell you all about them." Kooky rolled his eyes lazily at Pythagoras' horrid attempts at bargaining.

He took another puff of the joint, holding the smoke in his mouth as he shifted positions in his seat. He got up very close to Pythagoras' cage, so close his nose was almost booping it. He formed his mouth into an "O" shape again.

Pythagoras' brown eyes widened and his body trembled as he instinctively put his hand out in front of him. "Wait, Your Majesty, please don't--"

Kooky brought his lower jaw slightly but rapidly upward, tucking his lips inward slightly. He quickly propelled a big, thick ring of smoke.

The force of Kooky's breath pushed Pythagoras over as his eyes burned. The smoke filled his lungs and made it difficult for him to get air in and out. His chest tightened and he began to cough uncontrollably. He couldn't breathe.

Kooky sat there quietly and watched him suffer, blowing more smoke rings at him. Pythagoras wheezed as he tried to cover his face and nose from the smoke.

"Please....stop...." He managed to croak between coughs. Kooky exhaled the remainder of the smoke in his mouth. Pythagoras continued to wheeze and cough violently. "H-help.....I" He pleaded, grabbing onto the bars of his cage and trying to stand back up. Kooky blew him back down with his smokey breath.

"Help...I'm begging me...I'll do anything...anything you ask..."

"No. You are annoying and unamusing, I have no use for you now."

Pythagoras continued to cough, almost gagging now. Eventually he went quiet. Kooky gave him a poke, but he didn't budge. They were no fun when they were like this.

"EMPEROR LUDWIG!" Kooky heard someone say. He turned his attention to the messenger who'd entered the throne room. He'd never seen him around before.

"Yes? Who are you? What do you want?"

The messenger shifted nervously, afraid to deliver the news.

"Well? Out with it, I haven't got all day!"

"Your Majesty....your younger brother, dead." The messenger paused, letting the message sink in. But Kooky's face did not change, he sat there wondering if that's all he'd come to say.

"You've been given an official invitation to attend his funeral and the Queen's following coronation. My deepest apologies for your loss." The messenger said, bowing and leaving the envelope on a nearby table. He turned but Kooky clicked his tongue, beckoning the messenger over with his finger.

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