Kooky's Return

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When Kooky awoke the next day, he felt very excited. It had been quite some time since he had piloted the body and he was ready to put his new plan into action. He had gone to bed naked, for--when he could when he was alone--he preferred to be in his most natural state and that meant sleeping as he'd come into the world: naked. He'd also read online way back when sleeping naked was very good for the body, it allowed it to breath and be free without the restraints of man-made clothing. But he couldn't go out and about naked for obvious reasons, even if the Clouts had less conservative views of male nudity. 

He (carefully) rolled out of bed and put on a black himation with double gold trim, one like laurel vines and the other with arches.  He reluctantly decided to go without any sort of undergarment, mainly because he couldn't find anything that resembled underwear. However as he walked around his room getting ready for the day ahead, he decided that it was ultimately the best choice. He'd heard about going commando but he'd never had the courage to do it before. But he soon realized this was the best choice. His junk was allowed to be free and feel the breeze which was very nice, considering how hot he'd heard that the Meringue Clouds gets. He wouldn't have to try to stealthily stick his hands in pants to readjust in public and because the himation was dark colored, he wouldn't have to worry about a noticeable bulge or sweat stains. He thought it fit somewhat like a nice dress, he'd never really worn anything like it before. He liked the way it twirled and allowed for free-flowing ventilation. 

As he was checking out his outfit choice in the mirror, 3 women entered his room (unannounced and uninvited). They all had large wings and large boobs, wide hips, and possibly shapely keisters. They were all scantily-clad and barefoot, carrying toiletries in their hands. 

"Oh Your Majesty, you're already awake~" One of them purred in Clout.

"Such a shame," One of the others said, "I was really looking forward to this morning's wakeup call~

"As was I," The last woman agreed, "but at least we still have bath time~" She chuckled suggestively. 

"Didn't I bathe just last night?" Kooky asked. 

"I believe so, but we weren't present last time and we know how much you love when we're present during bath time, we don't want you to be lonely. There's nothing wrong with taking two baths~" 

"No thanks, I'm good." 

"Bummer~" One of the women pouted playfully, "But since we're already here, would you like us to send for breakfast from the kitchens?" 

Kooky had only just realized he was very hungry and somewhat weak. Even with Fritz's added power, the body hadn't exercised any large amounts of magic in a long time and their "gate" was somewhat rusty. He needed to eat something fulfilling, and establish a stable source of sustenance in order to sustain himself. But the kitchens most likely didn't serve anything he craved. 

"No, I don't want anything. Go back to...wherever you came from." He replied sharply before pushing past them and exiting the room. The 3 bathers all looked to each other quietly, sharing mutual looks of concern and apprehension.

When he entered the throne room, he reclined on Ludwig's gold throne. It was a tad bit uncomfy at first so he shimmied and squirmed before finding the most comfortable spot. A blonde female servant kneeled before him, offering him a glass of red wine on a gold platter. Kooky promptly slapped it, causing it to fall, and shatter on the floor. The servant quickly moved to pick up the pieces of glass and the spill. It caught everyone present off guard and now all eyes were on him, but this was exactly what he wanted. 

He leaned back again and rested his right forearm on the arm rest. "What are you all lookin' at?! What does it take to get some sort of messenger around here?!"

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